
class ansys.systemcoupling.core.adaptor.api_23_1.step.step(name=None, parent=None)#

Bases: Command

Interactive command that initializes the analysis (if necessary) and runs the specified number of coupling steps before pausing the coupled analysis.

Disabled when a solution is already in progress.

Disabled for iterations-only steady analyses.

By default, runs a single step. If given the optional count argument, then runs the specified number of steps.

For restarts, the open command must be run before the step command.

When you run this command, System Coupling initializes the analysis if needed and then begins the solution. When the specified number of coupling steps has been run, the solution is paused, providing you with an opportunity to interact with the analysis.

Note that if the execution_control option for a participant is set to ExternallyManaged, then System Coupling will not start the participant using either this command or any of the other commands that automatically start participants. The user is expected to manually start the participant. This function will not return until all participants have been connected.

When the solution is resumed, either by reissuing this command or by running the solve command, System Coupling restarts the analysis at the point it left off and continues the solution with the next step.

Note that this command will raise an exception if another instance of System Coupling is solving in the current working directory.

countint, optional

Integer specifying the number of steps to be run. Defaults to 1.

Included in:




‘root’ object