
Implementation types for the System Coupling adaptor API.

These comprise container types supporting nesting, basic types for primitive settings values, and command types.

Child containers can be generally accessed or modified using attribute access. Named child objects can be accessed or modified using the index operator.

Primitive settings are accessed (get/set) as properties.

Calling an object returns its current value as a state dictionary.


Here is an example using the root setup object.

interface_name = “interface-1” interface = setup.coupling_interface.create(interface_name) interface.side[“One”].coupling_participant = “MAPDL-1”

setup.solution_control.time_step_size = “0.1 [s]” setup.solution_control.print_state() assert setup.solution_control.time_step_size == “0.1 [s]”



Convert the string for a native System Coupling name to a Python variable name.


Base([name, parent])

Provides the base class for settings and command objects.

Boolean([name, parent])

Provides a Boolean object that represents a Boolean value setting.

BooleanList([name, parent])

Provides a BooleanList object that represents a Boolean list setting.

Command([name, parent])

Provides the Command object.

Container([name, parent])

Provides a Container object for primitive values and other settings objects.

Filename([name, parent])

Provides a Filename object that represents a file name.

InjectedCommand([name, parent])

Provides a base class for calling a locally defined function that has been injected into the generated API hierarchy so that it appears alongside the generic commands.

Integer([name, parent])

Provides an Integer object that represents an integer value setting.

IntegerList([name, parent])

Provides an IntegerList object that represents an integer list setting.

NamedContainer([name, parent])

Provides a container for named instances of Container objects.

ParticipantSession([name, parent])

Object conforming to the ParticipantProtocol runtime protocol for participant session objects.

PathCommand([name, parent])

Provides the path-based command object.

Real([name, parent])

Provides a Real object that represents a real value setting.

RealList([name, parent])

Provides a RealList object that represents a real list setting.

RealVector([name, parent])

Provides a RealVector object that represents a 3D vector.

SettingsBase([name, parent])

Provides the base class for settings objects.

StrFloatPairList([name, parent])

Provides a StrFloatPairList object that represents a list of string-float pairs.

StrOrIntDictList([name, parent])

Provides a StrOrIntDictList object that represents a list of simple dictionary values with string keys and string or integer values.

StrOrIntDictListDict([name, parent])

Provides a StrOrIntDictListDict object that represents a dictionary of string keys to StrOrIntDictList values.

String([name, parent])

Provides a String object that represents a string value setting.

StringList([name, parent])

Provides a StringList object that represents a string list setting.