Oscillating plate#

This example is a version of the Oscillating Plate case that is often used as a tutorial for System Coupling. This two-way, fluid-structural interaction (FSI) case is based on co-simulation of a transient oscillating plate with 2D data transfers.

  • Ansys Mechanical APDL (MAPDL) is used to perform a transient structural analysis.

  • Ansys Fluent is used to perform a transient fluid-flow analysis.

  • System Coupling coordinates the simultaneous execution of the solvers for these Ansys products and the data transfers between their coupled surface regions.

Problem description

An oscillating plate resides within a fluid-filled cavity. A thin plate is anchored to the bottom of a closed cavity filled with fluid (air):


There is no friction between the plate and the side of the cavity. An initial pressure of 100 Pa is applied to one side of the thin plate for 0.5 seconds to distort it. Once this pressure is released, the plate oscillates back and forth to regain its equilibrium, and the surrounding air damps this oscillation. The plate and surrounding air are simulated for a few oscillations to allow an examination of the motion of the plate as it is damped.

Set up example#

Setting up this example consists of performing imports, downloading input files, preparing the directory structure, and launching System Coupling.

Perform required imports#

Import the ansys-systemcoupling-core package and other required packages.

import os
from pprint import pprint

import ansys.systemcoupling.core as pysystemcoupling
from ansys.systemcoupling.core import examples

Download input files#

Clear the downloads target directory (which is to be used as the working directory). Download the SCP files for Fluent and MAPDL, which provide solver-specific information to System Coupling and the respective solver input files for each solver run.


mapdl_scp_file = examples.download_file(
    "mapdl.scp", "pysystem-coupling/oscillating_plate"

fluent_scp_file = examples.download_file(
    "fluent.scp", "pysystem-coupling/oscillating_plate"

mapdl_dat_file = examples.download_file(
    "mapdl.dat", "pysystem-coupling/oscillating_plate/MAPDL"

fluent_cas_file = examples.download_file(
    "plate.cas.gz", "pysystem-coupling/oscillating_plate/Fluent"

Prepare expected directory structure#

The target download directory is used as the working directory. The SCP files are defined such that there is expected to be a Fluent subdirectory in which Fluent runs and an MAPDL subdirectory in which MAPDL runs. These directories should contain their respective case and input files.

Launch System Coupling#

Launch a remote System Coupling instance and return a client object (a Session object) that allows you to interact with System Coupling via an API exposed into the current Python environment.

syc = pysystemcoupling.launch(working_dir=working_dir)

Create analysis#

Creating the analysis consists of accessing the setup API, loading participants, creating and verifying both interfaces and data transfers, querying for setup errors, and modifying settings.

Access the setup API#

setup = syc.setup

Load participants#

Use add_participant to create coupling_participant objects representing the Fluent and MAPDL participants, based on the data in the scp files that were previously exported by the respective products.

mapdl_part_name = setup.add_participant(input_file="mapdl.scp")
fluent_part_name = setup.add_participant(input_file="fluent.scp")

Verify coupling_participant objects exist:

dict_keys(['MAPDL-1', 'FLUENT-2'])

Create interfaces and data transfers#

Create interfaces and data transfers by specifying participant regions. This consists of calling the appropriate commands to create an interface and both force and displacement data transfers.

interface_name = setup.add_interface(

force_transfer_name = setup.add_data_transfer(

disp_transfer_name = setup.add_data_transfer(

Verify creation of interfaces and data transfers#

Confirm the coupling interface exists.


Examine the coupling interface state. Note that data_transfer child objects exist for "displacement" and "FORC".

display_name : Interface-1
side :
  Two :
    coupling_participant : FLUENT-2
    region_list :
      0 : wall_deforming
    reference_frame : GlobalReferenceFrame
    instancing : None
  One :
    coupling_participant : MAPDL-1
    region_list :
      0 : FSIN_1
    reference_frame : GlobalReferenceFrame
    instancing : None
data_transfer :
  displacement :
    display_name : displacement
    suppress : False
    target_side : Two
    option : UsingVariable
    source_variable : INCD
    target_variable : displacement
    ramping_option : None
    relaxation_factor : 1.0
    convergence_target : 0.01
    mapping_type : ProfilePreserving
    unmapped_value_option : ProgramControlled
  FORC :
    display_name : Force
    suppress : False
    target_side : One
    option : UsingVariable
    source_variable : force
    target_variable : FORC
    ramping_option : None
    relaxation_factor : 1.0
    convergence_target : 0.01
    mapping_type : Conservative
mapping_control :
  stop_if_poor_intersection : True
  poor_intersection_threshold : 0.5
  face_alignment : ProgramControlled
  absolute_gap_tolerance : 0.0 [m]
  relative_gap_tolerance : 1.0

Query for setup errors#

A coupled analysis setup cannot be solved if errors exist. Errors are indicated by messages with the level field set to Error. Here, there are two missing settings that must be corrected. There is also an Information level message that advises that, once the current setup is solved, it is not possible to restart it from any point except the last step.

[{'level': 'Information',
  'message': "The 'OutputControl' option is LastStep. To enable restarts from "
             'intermediate steps, please use a different option.',
  'path': 'output_control'},
 {'level': 'Error',
  'message': 'TimeStepSize not defined for Transient analysis',
  'path': 'solution_control'},
 {'level': 'Error',
  'message': 'EndTime not defined for Transient analysis',
  'path': 'solution_control'}]


In the current release of PySystemCoupling, the get_status_messages class provides messages generated by System Coupling using its native terminology. This means that any identifiers for settings that are mentioned in messages are in System Coupling’s usual camel case format.

In most cases, it should be obvious how to translate to the snake case format for the corresponding PySystemCoupling setting. For example, the EndTime setting in System Coupling’s OutputControl object corresponds to the output_control.end_time setting in PySystemCoupling.

Modify settings#

View contents of the solution_control object. Notice that the time_step_size and end_time settings are unset, consistent with what was shown in the status messages. Values shown in the print_state output as <None> have Python values of None.

duration_option : EndTime
end_time : <None>
time_step_size : <None>
minimum_iterations : 1
maximum_iterations : 5
use_ip_address_when_possible : True

Change the time_step_size setting.

setup.solution_control.time_step_size = "0.1 [s]"

Verify the time_step_size setting.

'0.1 [s]'

Change the end_time setting.

setup.solution_control.end_time = "1.0 [s]"

View the output_control object.

option : LastStep
generate_csv_chart_output : False
write_initial_snapshot : True
results :
  option : ProgramControlled
  include_instances : ProgramControlled
  type :
    option : EnsightGold

View the valid values for the option setting.

['LastStep', 'EveryStep', 'StepInterval']

Set the option setting.

setup.output_control.option = "StepInterval"

Change the output_frequency frequency setting.

setup.output_control.output_frequency = 2

View the output_control object again:

option : StepInterval
generate_csv_chart_output : False
write_initial_snapshot : True
output_frequency : 2
results :
  option : ProgramControlled
  include_instances : ProgramControlled
  type :
    option : EnsightGold

Review setup#

Verify that there are no longer any setup errors.


Use the get_setup_summary class to return a string showing a summary of the coupled analysis setup. This summary is also shown in the transcript output when the solve is started, but it can be useful to review this before starting the solve.

|                          Coupling Participants (2)                          |
|    Fluid Flow (Fluent)                                                      |
|       Internal Name :                                              FLUENT-2 |
|       Participant Type :                                             FLUENT |
|       Participant Display Name :                        Fluid Flow (Fluent) |
|       Dimension :                                                        3D |
|       Input Parameters :                                                 [] |
|       Output Parameters :                                                [] |
|       Participant Analysis Type :                                 Transient |
|       Use New APIs :                                                   True |
|       Restarts Supported :                                             True |
|       Variables (2)                                                         |
|          Variable : displacement                                            |
|             Internal Name :                                    displacement |
|             Quantity Type :                        Incremental Displacement |
|             Participant Display Name :                         displacement |
|             Data Type :                                                Real |
|             Tensor Type :                                            Vector |
|             Is Extensive :                                            False |
|                                                                             |
|          Variable : force                                                   |
|             Internal Name :                                           force |
|             Quantity Type :                                           Force |
|             Participant Display Name :                                force |
|             Data Type :                                                Real |
|             Tensor Type :                                            Vector |
|             Is Extensive :                                             True |
|       Regions (6)                                                           |
|          Region : part-fluid                                                |
|             Internal Name :                                      part-fluid |
|             Topology :                                               Volume |
|             Input Variables :                                            [] |
|             Output Variables :                                           [] |
|             Region Discretization Type :                        Mesh Region |
|                                                                             |
|          Region : wall_bottom                                               |
|             Internal Name :                                     wall_bottom |
|             Topology :                                              Surface |
|             Input Variables :                                            [] |
|             Output Variables :                                      [force] |
|             Region Discretization Type :                        Mesh Region |
|                                                                             |
|          Region : wall_deforming                                            |
|             Internal Name :                                  wall_deforming |
|             Topology :                                              Surface |
|             Input Variables :                                [displacement] |
|             Output Variables :                                      [force] |
|             Region Discretization Type :                        Mesh Region |
|                                                                             |
|          Region : wall_inlet                                                |
|             Internal Name :                                      wall_inlet |
|             Topology :                                              Surface |
|             Input Variables :                                            [] |
|             Output Variables :                                      [force] |
|             Region Discretization Type :                        Mesh Region |
|                                                                             |
|          Region : wall_outlet                                               |
|             Internal Name :                                     wall_outlet |
|             Topology :                                              Surface |
|             Input Variables :                                            [] |
|             Output Variables :                                      [force] |
|             Region Discretization Type :                        Mesh Region |
|                                                                             |
|          Region : wall_top                                                  |
|             Internal Name :                                        wall_top |
|             Topology :                                              Surface |
|             Input Variables :                                            [] |
|             Output Variables :                                      [force] |
|             Region Discretization Type :                        Mesh Region |
|       Properties                                                            |
|          Accepts New Inputs :                                         False |
|          Time Integration :                                        Implicit |
|       Update Control                                                        |
|          Option :                                         ProgramControlled |
|       Execution Control                                                     |
|          Option :                                         ProgramControlled |
|          Working Directory :                                         Fluent |
|          Additional Arguments :                                        None |
|          Parallel Fraction :                                       1.00e+00 |
|          Fluent Input                                                       |
|             Option :                                        InitialCaseFile |
|             Case File :                                               plate |
|    MAPDL Transient                                                          |
|       Internal Name :                                               MAPDL-1 |
|       Participant Type :                                              MAPDL |
|       Participant Display Name :                            MAPDL Transient |
|       Dimension :                                                        3D |
|       Input Parameters :                                                 [] |
|       Output Parameters :                                                [] |
|       Participant Analysis Type :                                 Transient |
|       Restarts Supported :                                             True |
|       Variables (2)                                                         |
|          Variable : Force                                                   |
|             Internal Name :                                            FORC |
|             Quantity Type :                                           Force |
|             Location :                                                 Node |
|             Participant Display Name :                                Force |
|             Data Type :                                                Real |
|             Tensor Type :                                            Vector |
|             Is Extensive :                                             True |
|                                                                             |
|          Variable : Incremental_Displacement                                |
|             Internal Name :                                            INCD |
|             Quantity Type :                        Incremental Displacement |
|             Location :                                                 Node |
|             Participant Display Name :             Incremental Displacement |
|             Data Type :                                                Real |
|             Tensor Type :                                            Vector |
|             Is Extensive :                                            False |
|       Regions (1)                                                           |
|          Region : FSIN_1_Fluid Solid Interface                              |
|             Internal Name :                                          FSIN_1 |
|             Topology :                                              Surface |
|             Input Variables :                                        [FORC] |
|             Output Variables :                                       [INCD] |
|             Region Discretization Type :                        Mesh Region |
|       Properties                                                            |
|          Accepts New Inputs :                                         False |
|          Time Integration :                                        Implicit |
|       Update Control                                                        |
|          Option :                                         ProgramControlled |
|       Execution Control                                                     |
|          Option :                                         ProgramControlled |
|          Working Directory :                                          MAPDL |
|          Additional Arguments :                                        None |
|          Parallel Fraction :                                       1.00e+00 |
|          Initial Input :                                          mapdl.dat |
|          Additional Restart Input File :                               None |
|                              Analysis Control                               |
|    Analysis Type :                                                Transient |
|    Optimize If One Way :                                               True |
|    Allow Simultaneous Update :                                        False |
|    Partitioning Algorithm :                          SharedAllocateMachines |
|    Global Stabilization                                                     |
|       Option :                                                         None |
|                           Coupling Interfaces (1)                           |
|    Interface-1                                                              |
|       Internal Name :                                           Interface-1 |
|       Side                                                                  |
|          Side: One                                                          |
|             Coupling Participant :                                  MAPDL-1 |
|             Region List :                                          [FSIN_1] |
|             Reference Frame :                          GlobalReferenceFrame |
|             Instancing :                                               None |
|          Side: Two                                                          |
|             Coupling Participant :                                 FLUENT-2 |
|             Region List :                                  [wall_deforming] |
|             Reference Frame :                          GlobalReferenceFrame |
|             Instancing :                                               None |
|       Data Transfers (2)                                                    |
|          DataTransfer : Force                                               |
|             Internal Name :                                            FORC |
|             Suppress :                                                False |
|             Target Side :                                               One |
|             Option :                                          UsingVariable |
|             Source Variable :                                         force |
|             Target Variable :                                          FORC |
|             Ramping Option :                                           None |
|             Relaxation Factor :                                    1.00e+00 |
|             Convergence Target :                                   1.00e-02 |
|             Mapping Type :                                     Conservative |
|          DataTransfer : displacement                                        |
|             Internal Name :                                    displacement |
|             Suppress :                                                False |
|             Target Side :                                               Two |
|             Option :                                          UsingVariable |
|             Source Variable :                                          INCD |
|             Target Variable :                                  displacement |
|             Ramping Option :                                           None |
|             Relaxation Factor :                                    1.00e+00 |
|             Convergence Target :                                   1.00e-02 |
|             Mapping Type :                                ProfilePreserving |
|             Unmapped Value Option :                       ProgramControlled |
|       Mapping Control                                                       |
|          Stop If Poor Intersection :                                   True |
|          Poor Intersection Threshold :                             5.00e-01 |
|          Face Alignment :                                 ProgramControlled |
|          Absolute Gap Tolerance :                                   0.0 [m] |
|          Relative Gap Tolerance :                                  1.00e+00 |
|                              Solution Control                               |
|    Duration Option :                                                EndTime |
|    End Time :                                                       1.0 [s] |
|    Time Step Size :                                                 0.1 [s] |
|    Minimum Iterations :                                                   1 |
|    Maximum Iterations :                                                   5 |
|    Use IP Address When Possible :                                      True |
|                               Output Control                                |
|    Option :                                                    StepInterval |
|    Generate CSV Chart Output :                                        False |
|    Write Initial Snapshot :                                            True |
|    Output Frequency :                                                     2 |
|    Results                                                                  |
|       Option :                                            ProgramControlled |
|       Include Instances :                                 ProgramControlled |
|       Type                                                                  |
|          Option :                                               EnsightGold |

Run solution#

The System Coupling server’s stdout and stderr output is not shown in PySystemCoupling by default. To see it, turn output streaming on.


Access the solve command via the solution API.

solution = syc.solution
|                          Coupling Participants (2)                          |
|    Fluid Flow (Fluent)                                                      |
|       Internal Name :                                              FLUENT-2 |
|       Participant Type :                                             FLUENT |
|       Participant Display Name :                        Fluid Flow (Fluent) |
|       Dimension :                                                        3D |
|       Input Parameters :                                                 [] |
|       Output Parameters :                                                [] |
|       Participant Analysis Type :                                 Transient |
|       Use New APIs :                                                   True |
|       Restarts Supported :                                             True |
|       Variables (2)                                                         |
|          Variable : displacement                                            |
|             Internal Name :                                    displacement |
|             Quantity Type :                        Incremental Displacement |
|             Participant Display Name :                         displacement |
|             Data Type :                                                Real |
|             Tensor Type :                                            Vector |
|             Is Extensive :                                            False |
|                                                                             |
|          Variable : force                                                   |
|             Internal Name :                                           force |
|             Quantity Type :                                           Force |
|             Participant Display Name :                                force |
|             Data Type :                                                Real |
|             Tensor Type :                                            Vector |
|             Is Extensive :                                             True |
|       Regions (6)                                                           |
|          Region : part-fluid                                                |
|             Internal Name :                                      part-fluid |
|             Topology :                                               Volume |
|             Input Variables :                                            [] |
|             Output Variables :                                           [] |
|             Region Discretization Type :                        Mesh Region |
|                                                                             |
|          Region : wall_bottom                                               |
|             Internal Name :                                     wall_bottom |
|             Topology :                                              Surface |
|             Input Variables :                                            [] |
|             Output Variables :                                      [force] |
|             Region Discretization Type :                        Mesh Region |
|                                                                             |
|          Region : wall_deforming                                            |
|             Internal Name :                                  wall_deforming |
|             Topology :                                              Surface |
|             Input Variables :                                [displacement] |
|             Output Variables :                                      [force] |
|             Region Discretization Type :                        Mesh Region |
|                                                                             |
|          Region : wall_inlet                                                |
|             Internal Name :                                      wall_inlet |
|             Topology :                                              Surface |
|             Input Variables :                                            [] |
|             Output Variables :                                      [force] |
|             Region Discretization Type :                        Mesh Region |
|                                                                             |
|          Region : wall_outlet                                               |
|             Internal Name :                                     wall_outlet |
|             Topology :                                              Surface |
|             Input Variables :                                            [] |
|             Output Variables :                                      [force] |
|             Region Discretization Type :                        Mesh Region |
|                                                                             |
|          Region : wall_top                                                  |
|             Internal Name :                                        wall_top |
|             Topology :                                              Surface |
|             Input Variables :                                            [] |
|             Output Variables :                                      [force] |
|             Region Discretization Type :                        Mesh Region |
|       Properties                                                            |
|          Accepts New Inputs :                                         False |
|          Time Integration :                                        Implicit |
|       Update Control                                                        |
|          Option :                                         ProgramControlled |
|       Execution Control                                                     |
|          Option :                                         ProgramControlled |
|          Working Directory :                                         Fluent |
|          Additional Arguments :                                        None |
|          Parallel Fraction :                                       1.00e+00 |
|          Fluent Input                                                       |
|             Option :                                        InitialCaseFile |
|             Case File :                                               plate |
|    MAPDL Transient                                                          |
|       Internal Name :                                               MAPDL-1 |
|       Participant Type :                                              MAPDL |
|       Participant Display Name :                            MAPDL Transient |
|       Dimension :                                                        3D |
|       Input Parameters :                                                 [] |
|       Output Parameters :                                                [] |
|       Participant Analysis Type :                                 Transient |
|       Restarts Supported :                                             True |
|       Variables (2)                                                         |
|          Variable : Force                                                   |
|             Internal Name :                                            FORC |
|             Quantity Type :                                           Force |
|             Location :                                                 Node |
|             Participant Display Name :                                Force |
|             Data Type :                                                Real |
|             Tensor Type :                                            Vector |
|             Is Extensive :                                             True |
|                                                                             |
|          Variable : Incremental_Displacement                                |
|             Internal Name :                                            INCD |
|             Quantity Type :                        Incremental Displacement |
|             Location :                                                 Node |
|             Participant Display Name :             Incremental Displacement |
|             Data Type :                                                Real |
|             Tensor Type :                                            Vector |
|             Is Extensive :                                            False |
|       Regions (1)                                                           |
|          Region : FSIN_1_Fluid Solid Interface                              |
|             Internal Name :                                          FSIN_1 |
|             Topology :                                              Surface |
|             Input Variables :                                        [FORC] |
|             Output Variables :                                       [INCD] |
|             Region Discretization Type :                        Mesh Region |
|       Properties                                                            |
|          Accepts New Inputs :                                         False |
|          Time Integration :                                        Implicit |
|       Update Control                                                        |
|          Option :                                         ProgramControlled |
|       Execution Control                                                     |
|          Option :                                         ProgramControlled |
|          Working Directory :                                          MAPDL |
|          Additional Arguments :                                        None |
|          Parallel Fraction :                                       1.00e+00 |
|          Initial Input :                                          mapdl.dat |
|          Additional Restart Input File :                               None |
|                              Analysis Control                               |
|    Analysis Type :                                                Transient |
|    Optimize If One Way :                                               True |
|    Allow Simultaneous Update :                                        False |
|    Partitioning Algorithm :                          SharedAllocateMachines |
|    Global Stabilization                                                     |
|       Option :                                                         None |
|                           Coupling Interfaces (1)                           |
|    Interface-1                                                              |
|       Internal Name :                                           Interface-1 |
|       Side                                                                  |
|          Side: One                                                          |
|             Coupling Participant :                                  MAPDL-1 |
|             Region List :                                          [FSIN_1] |
|             Reference Frame :                          GlobalReferenceFrame |
|             Instancing :                                               None |
|          Side: Two                                                          |
|             Coupling Participant :                                 FLUENT-2 |
|             Region List :                                  [wall_deforming] |
|             Reference Frame :                          GlobalReferenceFrame |
|             Instancing :                                               None |
|       Data Transfers (2)                                                    |
|          DataTransfer : Force                                               |
|             Internal Name :                                            FORC |
|             Suppress :                                                False |
|             Target Side :                                               One |
|             Option :                                          UsingVariable |
|             Source Variable :                                         force |
|             Target Variable :                                          FORC |
|             Ramping Option :                                           None |
|             Relaxation Factor :                                    1.00e+00 |
|             Convergence Target :                                   1.00e-02 |
|             Mapping Type :                                     Conservative |
|          DataTransfer : displacement                                        |
|             Internal Name :                                    displacement |
|             Suppress :                                                False |
|             Target Side :                                               Two |
|             Option :                                          UsingVariable |
|             Source Variable :                                          INCD |
|             Target Variable :                                  displacement |
|             Ramping Option :                                           None |
|             Relaxation Factor :                                    1.00e+00 |
|             Convergence Target :                                   1.00e-02 |
|             Mapping Type :                                ProfilePreserving |
|             Unmapped Value Option :                       ProgramControlled |
|       Mapping Control                                                       |
|          Stop If Poor Intersection :                                   True |
|          Poor Intersection Threshold :                             5.00e-01 |
|          Face Alignment :                                 ProgramControlled |
|          Absolute Gap Tolerance :                                   0.0 [m] |
|          Relative Gap Tolerance :                                  1.00e+00 |
|                              Solution Control                               |
|    Duration Option :                                                EndTime |
|    End Time :                                                       1.0 [s] |
|    Time Step Size :                                                 0.1 [s] |
|    Minimum Iterations :                                                   1 |
|    Maximum Iterations :                                                   5 |
|    Use IP Address When Possible :                                      True |
|                               Output Control                                |
|    Option :                                                    StepInterval |
|    Generate CSV Chart Output :                                        False |
|    Write Initial Snapshot :                                            True |
|    Output Frequency :                                                     2 |
|    Results                                                                  |
|       Option :                                            ProgramControlled |
|       Include Instances :                                 ProgramControlled |
|       Type                                                                  |
|          Option :                                               EnsightGold |
|                            Execution Information                            |
|                                                                             |
| System Coupling                                                             |
|   Command Line Arguments:                                                   |
|     -m cosimgui --grpcport                                  |
|   Working Directory:                                                        |
|     C:\Users\user00\AppData\Local\Ansys\ansys_systemcoupling_core\examples  |
|                                                                             |
| Fluid Flow (Fluent)                                                         |
|   Execution Command:                                                        |
|     "C:\ANSYSDev\ANSYSI~1\v242\fluent\ntbin\win64\fluent.exe" 3ddp -g -scpo |
|     rt=59398 -schost= -scname="FLUENT-2" -scapis -i FLUENT-2.jo |
|     u                                                                       |
|   Working Directory:                                                        |
|     C:\Users\user00\AppData\Local\Ansys\ansys_systemcoupling_core\examples\ |
|     Fluent                                                                  |
|                                                                             |
| MAPDL Transient                                                             |
|   Execution Command:                                                        |
|     "C:\ANSYSDev\ANSYSI~1\v242\ansys\bin\winx64\ANSYS242.exe" -b nolist -s  |
|     noread -scport 59398 -schost -scname "MAPDL-1" -i "mapdl.d |
|     at" -o MAPDL-1.out                                                      |
|   Working Directory:                                                        |
|     C:\Users\user00\AppData\Local\Ansys\ansys_systemcoupling_core\examples\ |
|     MAPDL                                                                   |
|                                                                             |
Awaiting connections from coupling participants... done.

|                              Build Information                              |
| System Coupling                                                             |
|   2024 R2: Build ID: 189107b Build Date: 2024-05-08T16:26                   |
| Fluid Flow (Fluent)                                                         |
|   ANSYS Fluent 24.0 2.0 0.0 Build Time: May 13 2024 11:22:47 EST  Build Id: |
|   10192                                                                     |
| MAPDL Transient                                                             |
|   Mechanical APDL Release 2024 R2          Build 24.2     UP20240603        |
|   DISTRIBUTED WINDOWS x64  Version                                          |

|                                                                             |
|                           Analysis Initialization                           |
|                                                                             |

|                               MESH STATISTICS                               |
| Participant: FLUENT-2                                                       |
|   Number of face regions                                                  1 |
|     Number of faces                                                      11 |
|       Quadrilateral                                                      11 |
|     Area (m2)                                                     8.240e-01 |
|   Bounding Box (m)                                                          |
|     Minimum                              [ 1.000e+01  0.000e+00  0.000e+00] |
|     Maximum                              [ 1.006e+01  1.000e+00  4.000e-01] |
|                                                                             |
| Participant: MAPDL-1                                                        |
|   Number of face regions                                                  1 |
|     Number of faces                                                      84 |
|       Quadrilateral8                                                     84 |
|     Area (m2)                                                     8.240e-01 |
|   Bounding Box (m)                                                          |
|     Minimum                              [ 1.000e+01  0.000e+00  0.000e+00] |
|     Maximum                              [ 1.006e+01  1.000e+00  4.000e-01] |
|                                                                             |
| Total                                                                       |
|   Number of cells                                                         0 |
|   Number of faces                                                        95 |
|   Number of nodes                                                       327 |

|                               MAPPING SUMMARY                               |
|                                     |      Source            Target         |
| Interface-1                         |                                       |
|   Force                             |                                       |
|     Mapped Area [%]                 |       100               100           |
|     Mapped Elements [%]             |       100               100           |
|     Mapped Nodes [%]                |       100               100           |
|   displacement                      |                                       |
|     Mapped Area [%]                 |       100               100           |
|     Mapped Elements [%]             |       100               100           |
|     Mapped Nodes [%]                |       100               100           |

|                            Transfer Diagnostics                             |
|                                     |      Source            Target         |
| MAPDL Transient                     |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     Force                           |                                       |
|       Sum x                         |     0.00E+00          0.00E+00        |
|       Sum y                         |     0.00E+00          0.00E+00        |
|       Sum z                         |     0.00E+00          0.00E+00        |
| Fluid Flow (Fluent)                 |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     displacement                    |                                       |
|       Weighted Average x            |     0.00E+00          0.00E+00        |
|       Weighted Average y            |     0.00E+00          0.00E+00        |
|       Weighted Average z            |     0.00E+00          0.00E+00        |

|                                                                             |
|                              Coupled Solution                               |
|                                                                             |

| COUPLING STEP = 1                         SIMULATION TIME = 1.00000E-01 [s] |

|                             COUPLING ITERATIONS                             |
|                                     |      Source            Target         |
|                           COUPLING ITERATION = 1                            |
| MAPDL Transient                     |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     Force                           |         Not yet converged             |
|       RMS Change                    |     1.00E+00          1.00E+00        |
|       Sum x                         |     0.00E+00          0.00E+00        |
|       Sum y                         |     0.00E+00          0.00E+00        |
|       Sum z                         |     0.00E+00          0.00E+00        |
| Fluid Flow (Fluent)                 |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     displacement                    |         Not yet converged             |
|       RMS Change                    |     1.00E+00          1.00E+00        |
|       Weighted Average x            |    -1.50E-03         -1.51E-03        |
|       Weighted Average y            |     5.05E-07          4.42E-07        |
|       Weighted Average z            |    -7.67E-18         -7.92E-18        |
| Participant solution status         |                                       |
|   MAPDL Transient                   |             Converged                 |
|   Fluid Flow (Fluent)               |         Not yet converged             |
|                           COUPLING ITERATION = 2                            |
| MAPDL Transient                     |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     Force                           |         Not yet converged             |
|       RMS Change                    |     9.17E-01          6.76E-01        |
|       Sum x                         |     1.35E-01          1.35E-01        |
|       Sum y                         |     9.58E-04          9.58E-04        |
|       Sum z                         |    -1.26E-15         -1.26E-15        |
| Fluid Flow (Fluent)                 |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     displacement                    |             Converged                 |
|       RMS Change                    |     3.19E-03          3.20E-03        |
|       Weighted Average x            |    -1.49E-03         -1.51E-03        |
|       Weighted Average y            |     5.27E-07          4.65E-07        |
|       Weighted Average z            |    -1.08E-17         -1.13E-17        |
| Participant solution status         |                                       |
|   MAPDL Transient                   |             Converged                 |
|   Fluid Flow (Fluent)               |         Not yet converged             |
|                           COUPLING ITERATION = 3                            |
| MAPDL Transient                     |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     Force                           |         Not yet converged             |
|       RMS Change                    |     1.67E-02          1.22E-02        |
|       Sum x                         |     1.36E-01          1.36E-01        |
|       Sum y                         |     1.01E-03          1.01E-03        |
|       Sum z                         |    -1.27E-15         -1.27E-15        |
| Fluid Flow (Fluent)                 |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     displacement                    |             Converged                 |
|       RMS Change                    |     3.46E-05          3.44E-05        |
|       Weighted Average x            |    -1.49E-03         -1.51E-03        |
|       Weighted Average y            |     5.27E-07          4.65E-07        |
|       Weighted Average z            |    -1.37E-17         -1.56E-17        |
| Participant solution status         |                                       |
|   MAPDL Transient                   |             Converged                 |
|   Fluid Flow (Fluent)               |             Converged                 |
|                           COUPLING ITERATION = 4                            |
| MAPDL Transient                     |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     Force                           |             Converged                 |
|       RMS Change                    |     1.20E-03          8.84E-04        |
|       Sum x                         |     1.36E-01          1.36E-01        |
|       Sum y                         |     1.02E-03          1.02E-03        |
|       Sum z                         |    -1.25E-15         -1.25E-15        |
| Fluid Flow (Fluent)                 |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     displacement                    |             Converged                 |
|       RMS Change                    |     1.04E-06          1.03E-06        |
|       Weighted Average x            |    -1.49E-03         -1.51E-03        |
|       Weighted Average y            |     5.27E-07          4.65E-07        |
|       Weighted Average z            |    -1.57E-17         -1.57E-17        |
| Participant solution status         |                                       |
|   MAPDL Transient                   |             Converged                 |
|   Fluid Flow (Fluent)               |             Converged                 |

| COUPLING STEP = 2                         SIMULATION TIME = 2.00000E-01 [s] |

|                             COUPLING ITERATIONS                             |
|                                     |      Source            Target         |
|                           COUPLING ITERATION = 1                            |
| MAPDL Transient                     |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     Force                           |             Converged                 |
|       RMS Change                    |     6.30E-05          4.63E-05        |
|       Sum x                         |     1.36E-01          1.36E-01        |
|       Sum y                         |     1.02E-03          1.02E-03        |
|       Sum z                         |    -1.14E-15         -1.14E-15        |
| Fluid Flow (Fluent)                 |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     displacement                    |         Not yet converged             |
|       RMS Change                    |     8.75E-01          8.84E-01        |
|       Weighted Average x            |    -5.03E-03         -5.07E-03        |
|       Weighted Average y            |    -4.11E-05         -4.17E-05        |
|       Weighted Average z            |     7.70E-17          7.82E-17        |
| Participant solution status         |                                       |
|   MAPDL Transient                   |             Converged                 |
|   Fluid Flow (Fluent)               |         Not yet converged             |
|                           COUPLING ITERATION = 2                            |
| MAPDL Transient                     |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     Force                           |         Not yet converged             |
|       RMS Change                    |     5.55E-01          4.07E-01        |
|       Sum x                         |     3.44E-01          3.44E-01        |
|       Sum y                         |     6.01E-03          6.01E-03        |
|       Sum z                         |     4.35E-15          4.35E-15        |
| Fluid Flow (Fluent)                 |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     displacement                    |             Converged                 |
|       RMS Change                    |     8.33E-03          8.61E-03        |
|       Weighted Average x            |    -4.99E-03         -5.03E-03        |
|       Weighted Average y            |    -4.10E-05         -4.16E-05        |
|       Weighted Average z            |     8.66E-17          8.88E-17        |
| Participant solution status         |                                       |
|   MAPDL Transient                   |             Converged                 |
|   Fluid Flow (Fluent)               |         Not yet converged             |
|                           COUPLING ITERATION = 3                            |
| MAPDL Transient                     |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     Force                           |             Converged                 |
|       RMS Change                    |     9.24E-03          6.61E-03        |
|       Sum x                         |     3.44E-01          3.44E-01        |
|       Sum y                         |     6.14E-03          6.14E-03        |
|       Sum z                         |     4.14E-15          4.14E-15        |
| Fluid Flow (Fluent)                 |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     displacement                    |             Converged                 |
|       RMS Change                    |     2.85E-04          2.96E-04        |
|       Weighted Average x            |    -4.99E-03         -5.03E-03        |
|       Weighted Average y            |    -4.10E-05         -4.15E-05        |
|       Weighted Average z            |     1.82E-17          2.46E-17        |
| Participant solution status         |                                       |
|   MAPDL Transient                   |             Converged                 |
|   Fluid Flow (Fluent)               |             Converged                 |

| COUPLING STEP = 3                         SIMULATION TIME = 3.00000E-01 [s] |

|                             COUPLING ITERATIONS                             |
|                                     |      Source            Target         |
|                           COUPLING ITERATION = 1                            |
| MAPDL Transient                     |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     Force                           |             Converged                 |
|       RMS Change                    |     7.70E-04          5.52E-04        |
|       Sum x                         |     3.44E-01          3.44E-01        |
|       Sum y                         |     6.15E-03          6.15E-03        |
|       Sum z                         |     4.32E-15          4.32E-15        |
| Fluid Flow (Fluent)                 |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     displacement                    |         Not yet converged             |
|       RMS Change                    |     7.97E-01          8.14E-01        |
|       Weighted Average x            |    -8.65E-03         -8.69E-03        |
|       Weighted Average y            |    -1.98E-04         -1.99E-04        |
|       Weighted Average z            |     5.94E-16          5.99E-16        |
| Participant solution status         |                                       |
|   MAPDL Transient                   |             Converged                 |
|   Fluid Flow (Fluent)               |         Not yet converged             |
|                           COUPLING ITERATION = 2                            |
| MAPDL Transient                     |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     Force                           |         Not yet converged             |
|       RMS Change                    |     1.97E-01          1.36E-01        |
|       Sum x                         |     4.07E-01          4.07E-01        |
|       Sum y                         |     1.65E-02          1.65E-02        |
|       Sum z                         |     2.03E-14          2.03E-14        |
| Fluid Flow (Fluent)                 |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     displacement                    |             Converged                 |
|       RMS Change                    |     3.19E-03          3.36E-03        |
|       Weighted Average x            |    -8.63E-03         -8.66E-03        |
|       Weighted Average y            |    -1.98E-04         -1.99E-04        |
|       Weighted Average z            |     4.56E-16          4.55E-16        |
| Participant solution status         |                                       |
|   MAPDL Transient                   |             Converged                 |
|   Fluid Flow (Fluent)               |         Not yet converged             |
|                           COUPLING ITERATION = 3                            |
| MAPDL Transient                     |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     Force                           |             Converged                 |
|       RMS Change                    |     8.22E-03          5.78E-03        |
|       Sum x                         |     4.04E-01          4.04E-01        |
|       Sum y                         |     1.64E-02          1.64E-02        |
|       Sum z                         |     1.95E-14          1.95E-14        |
| Fluid Flow (Fluent)                 |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     displacement                    |             Converged                 |
|       RMS Change                    |     1.21E-04          1.37E-04        |
|       Weighted Average x            |    -8.63E-03         -8.66E-03        |
|       Weighted Average y            |    -1.97E-04         -1.99E-04        |
|       Weighted Average z            |     4.27E-16          4.31E-16        |
| Participant solution status         |                                       |
|   MAPDL Transient                   |             Converged                 |
|   Fluid Flow (Fluent)               |             Converged                 |

| COUPLING STEP = 4                         SIMULATION TIME = 4.00000E-01 [s] |

|                             COUPLING ITERATIONS                             |
|                                     |      Source            Target         |
|                           COUPLING ITERATION = 1                            |
| MAPDL Transient                     |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     Force                           |             Converged                 |
|       RMS Change                    |     4.32E-04          3.04E-04        |
|       Sum x                         |     4.04E-01          4.04E-01        |
|       Sum y                         |     1.64E-02          1.64E-02        |
|       Sum z                         |     1.96E-14          1.96E-14        |
| Fluid Flow (Fluent)                 |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     displacement                    |         Not yet converged             |
|       RMS Change                    |     7.41E-01          7.68E-01        |
|       Weighted Average x            |    -1.16E-02         -1.16E-02        |
|       Weighted Average y            |    -5.40E-04         -5.39E-04        |
|       Weighted Average z            |     7.74E-16          8.36E-16        |
| Participant solution status         |                                       |
|   MAPDL Transient                   |             Converged                 |
|   Fluid Flow (Fluent)               |         Not yet converged             |
|                           COUPLING ITERATION = 2                            |
| MAPDL Transient                     |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     Force                           |         Not yet converged             |
|       RMS Change                    |     1.43E-01          9.45E-02        |
|       Sum x                         |     3.93E-01          3.93E-01        |
|       Sum y                         |     3.20E-02          3.20E-02        |
|       Sum z                         |     3.22E-14          3.22E-14        |
| Fluid Flow (Fluent)                 |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     displacement                    |             Converged                 |
|       RMS Change                    |     1.26E-03          1.39E-03        |
|       Weighted Average x            |    -1.16E-02         -1.16E-02        |
|       Weighted Average y            |    -5.40E-04         -5.40E-04        |
|       Weighted Average z            |     1.18E-15          1.25E-15        |
| Participant solution status         |                                       |
|   MAPDL Transient                   |             Converged                 |
|   Fluid Flow (Fluent)               |         Not yet converged             |
|                           COUPLING ITERATION = 3                            |
| MAPDL Transient                     |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     Force                           |             Converged                 |
|       RMS Change                    |     5.54E-03          3.76E-03        |
|       Sum x                         |     3.91E-01          3.91E-01        |
|       Sum y                         |     3.18E-02          3.18E-02        |
|       Sum z                         |     3.08E-14          3.08E-14        |
| Fluid Flow (Fluent)                 |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     displacement                    |             Converged                 |
|       RMS Change                    |     2.34E-05          2.56E-05        |
|       Weighted Average x            |    -1.16E-02         -1.16E-02        |
|       Weighted Average y            |    -5.40E-04         -5.40E-04        |
|       Weighted Average z            |     8.91E-16          9.49E-16        |
| Participant solution status         |                                       |
|   MAPDL Transient                   |             Converged                 |
|   Fluid Flow (Fluent)               |             Converged                 |

| COUPLING STEP = 5                         SIMULATION TIME = 5.00000E-01 [s] |

|                             COUPLING ITERATIONS                             |
|                                     |      Source            Target         |
|                           COUPLING ITERATION = 1                            |
| MAPDL Transient                     |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     Force                           |             Converged                 |
|       RMS Change                    |     3.31E-04          2.26E-04        |
|       Sum x                         |     3.91E-01          3.91E-01        |
|       Sum y                         |     3.18E-02          3.18E-02        |
|       Sum z                         |     3.07E-14          3.07E-14        |
| Fluid Flow (Fluent)                 |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     displacement                    |         Not yet converged             |
|       RMS Change                    |     7.24E-01          7.57E-01        |
|       Weighted Average x            |    -1.42E-02         -1.42E-02        |
|       Weighted Average y            |    -1.18E-03         -1.18E-03        |
|       Weighted Average z            |     6.01E-16          5.47E-16        |
| Participant solution status         |                                       |
|   MAPDL Transient                   |             Converged                 |
|   Fluid Flow (Fluent)               |         Not yet converged             |
|                           COUPLING ITERATION = 2                            |
| MAPDL Transient                     |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     Force                           |         Not yet converged             |
|       RMS Change                    |     9.26E-02          6.19E-02        |
|       Sum x                         |     4.19E-01          4.19E-01        |
|       Sum y                         |     5.76E-02          5.76E-02        |
|       Sum z                         |     3.69E-14          3.69E-14        |
| Fluid Flow (Fluent)                 |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     displacement                    |             Converged                 |
|       RMS Change                    |     2.19E-03          2.47E-03        |
|       Weighted Average x            |    -1.42E-02         -1.42E-02        |
|       Weighted Average y            |    -1.18E-03         -1.18E-03        |
|       Weighted Average z            |     5.35E-16          5.23E-16        |
| Participant solution status         |                                       |
|   MAPDL Transient                   |             Converged                 |
|   Fluid Flow (Fluent)               |         Not yet converged             |
|                           COUPLING ITERATION = 3                            |
| MAPDL Transient                     |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     Force                           |             Converged                 |
|       RMS Change                    |     2.77E-03          1.79E-03        |
|       Sum x                         |     4.20E-01          4.20E-01        |
|       Sum y                         |     5.77E-02          5.77E-02        |
|       Sum z                         |     3.62E-14          3.62E-14        |
| Fluid Flow (Fluent)                 |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     displacement                    |             Converged                 |
|       RMS Change                    |     6.68E-05          7.54E-05        |
|       Weighted Average x            |    -1.42E-02         -1.42E-02        |
|       Weighted Average y            |    -1.18E-03         -1.18E-03        |
|       Weighted Average z            |     5.15E-16          4.78E-16        |
| Participant solution status         |                                       |
|   MAPDL Transient                   |             Converged                 |
|   Fluid Flow (Fluent)               |             Converged                 |

| COUPLING STEP = 6                         SIMULATION TIME = 6.00000E-01 [s] |

|                             COUPLING ITERATIONS                             |
|                                     |      Source            Target         |
|                           COUPLING ITERATION = 1                            |
| MAPDL Transient                     |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     Force                           |             Converged                 |
|       RMS Change                    |     1.51E-04          1.01E-04        |
|       Sum x                         |     4.20E-01          4.20E-01        |
|       Sum y                         |     5.77E-02          5.77E-02        |
|       Sum z                         |     3.52E-14          3.52E-14        |
| Fluid Flow (Fluent)                 |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     displacement                    |         Not yet converged             |
|       RMS Change                    |     7.31E-01          7.61E-01        |
|       Weighted Average x            |    -1.53E-02         -1.53E-02        |
|       Weighted Average y            |    -1.98E-03         -1.96E-03        |
|       Weighted Average z            |    -1.46E-15         -1.51E-15        |
| Participant solution status         |                                       |
|   MAPDL Transient                   |             Converged                 |
|   Fluid Flow (Fluent)               |         Not yet converged             |
|                           COUPLING ITERATION = 2                            |
| MAPDL Transient                     |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     Force                           |         Not yet converged             |
|       RMS Change                    |     1.41E-01          9.09E-02        |
|       Sum x                         |     3.52E-01          3.52E-01        |
|       Sum y                         |     7.38E-02          7.38E-02        |
|       Sum z                         |     1.06E-14          1.06E-14        |
| Fluid Flow (Fluent)                 |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     displacement                    |             Converged                 |
|       RMS Change                    |     6.36E-03          6.49E-03        |
|       Weighted Average x            |    -1.52E-02         -1.51E-02        |
|       Weighted Average y            |    -1.96E-03         -1.94E-03        |
|       Weighted Average z            |    -1.45E-15         -1.51E-15        |
| Participant solution status         |                                       |
|   MAPDL Transient                   |             Converged                 |
|   Fluid Flow (Fluent)               |         Not yet converged             |
|                           COUPLING ITERATION = 3                            |
| MAPDL Transient                     |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     Force                           |         Not yet converged             |
|       RMS Change                    |     2.80E-02          1.79E-02        |
|       Sum x                         |     3.39E-01          3.39E-01        |
|       Sum y                         |     7.15E-02          7.15E-02        |
|       Sum z                         |     9.99E-15          9.99E-15        |
| Fluid Flow (Fluent)                 |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     displacement                    |             Converged                 |
|       RMS Change                    |     3.49E-05          3.43E-05        |
|       Weighted Average x            |    -1.52E-02         -1.51E-02        |
|       Weighted Average y            |    -1.96E-03         -1.94E-03        |
|       Weighted Average z            |    -1.46E-15         -1.51E-15        |
| Participant solution status         |                                       |
|   MAPDL Transient                   |             Converged                 |
|   Fluid Flow (Fluent)               |             Converged                 |
|                           COUPLING ITERATION = 4                            |
| MAPDL Transient                     |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     Force                           |             Converged                 |
|       RMS Change                    |     6.52E-04          4.13E-04        |
|       Sum x                         |     3.39E-01          3.39E-01        |
|       Sum y                         |     7.15E-02          7.15E-02        |
|       Sum z                         |     1.02E-14          1.02E-14        |
| Fluid Flow (Fluent)                 |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     displacement                    |             Converged                 |
|       RMS Change                    |     9.15E-07          1.05E-06        |
|       Weighted Average x            |    -1.52E-02         -1.51E-02        |
|       Weighted Average y            |    -1.96E-03         -1.94E-03        |
|       Weighted Average z            |    -1.47E-15         -1.51E-15        |
| Participant solution status         |                                       |
|   MAPDL Transient                   |             Converged                 |
|   Fluid Flow (Fluent)               |             Converged                 |

| COUPLING STEP = 7                         SIMULATION TIME = 7.00000E-01 [s] |

|                             COUPLING ITERATIONS                             |
|                                     |      Source            Target         |
|                           COUPLING ITERATION = 1                            |
| MAPDL Transient                     |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     Force                           |             Converged                 |
|       RMS Change                    |     2.06E-05          1.32E-05        |
|       Sum x                         |     3.39E-01          3.39E-01        |
|       Sum y                         |     7.15E-02          7.15E-02        |
|       Sum z                         |     9.96E-15          9.96E-15        |
| Fluid Flow (Fluent)                 |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     displacement                    |         Not yet converged             |
|       RMS Change                    |     7.33E-01          7.62E-01        |
|       Weighted Average x            |    -1.38E-02         -1.38E-02        |
|       Weighted Average y            |    -2.39E-03         -2.38E-03        |
|       Weighted Average z            |    -2.83E-15         -2.85E-15        |
| Participant solution status         |                                       |
|   MAPDL Transient                   |             Converged                 |
|   Fluid Flow (Fluent)               |         Not yet converged             |
|                           COUPLING ITERATION = 2                            |
| MAPDL Transient                     |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     Force                           |         Not yet converged             |
|       RMS Change                    |     5.96E-01          3.92E-01        |
|       Sum x                         |     1.56E-01          1.56E-01        |
|       Sum y                         |     5.38E-02          5.38E-02        |
|       Sum z                         |    -1.45E-14         -1.45E-14        |
| Fluid Flow (Fluent)                 |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     displacement                    |             Converged                 |
|       RMS Change                    |     1.70E-03          1.82E-03        |
|       Weighted Average x            |    -1.38E-02         -1.38E-02        |
|       Weighted Average y            |    -2.39E-03         -2.37E-03        |
|       Weighted Average z            |    -2.70E-15         -2.72E-15        |
| Participant solution status         |                                       |
|   MAPDL Transient                   |             Converged                 |
|   Fluid Flow (Fluent)               |         Not yet converged             |
|                           COUPLING ITERATION = 3                            |
| MAPDL Transient                     |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     Force                           |             Converged                 |
|       RMS Change                    |     1.12E-02          7.14E-03        |
|       Sum x                         |     1.55E-01          1.55E-01        |
|       Sum y                         |     5.32E-02          5.32E-02        |
|       Sum z                         |    -1.61E-14         -1.61E-14        |
| Fluid Flow (Fluent)                 |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     displacement                    |             Converged                 |
|       RMS Change                    |     5.78E-05          5.89E-05        |
|       Weighted Average x            |    -1.38E-02         -1.38E-02        |
|       Weighted Average y            |    -2.39E-03         -2.37E-03        |
|       Weighted Average z            |    -2.74E-15         -2.77E-15        |
| Participant solution status         |                                       |
|   MAPDL Transient                   |             Converged                 |
|   Fluid Flow (Fluent)               |             Converged                 |

| COUPLING STEP = 8                         SIMULATION TIME = 8.00000E-01 [s] |

|                             COUPLING ITERATIONS                             |
|                                     |      Source            Target         |
|                           COUPLING ITERATION = 1                            |
| MAPDL Transient                     |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     Force                           |             Converged                 |
|       RMS Change                    |     9.57E-04          6.32E-04        |
|       Sum x                         |     1.55E-01          1.55E-01        |
|       Sum y                         |     5.31E-02          5.31E-02        |
|       Sum z                         |    -1.63E-14         -1.63E-14        |
| Fluid Flow (Fluent)                 |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     displacement                    |         Not yet converged             |
|       RMS Change                    |     7.41E-01          7.68E-01        |
|       Weighted Average x            |    -1.14E-02         -1.14E-02        |
|       Weighted Average y            |    -2.23E-03         -2.22E-03        |
|       Weighted Average z            |    -1.47E-15         -1.54E-15        |
| Participant solution status         |                                       |
|   MAPDL Transient                   |             Converged                 |
|   Fluid Flow (Fluent)               |         Not yet converged             |
|                           COUPLING ITERATION = 2                            |
| MAPDL Transient                     |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     Force                           |         Not yet converged             |
|       RMS Change                    |     1.19E+00          7.13E-01        |
|       Sum x                         |     2.89E-02          2.89E-02        |
|       Sum y                         |     2.64E-02          2.64E-02        |
|       Sum z                         |    -3.77E-14         -3.77E-14        |
| Fluid Flow (Fluent)                 |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     displacement                    |             Converged                 |
|       RMS Change                    |     8.76E-04          9.87E-04        |
|       Weighted Average x            |    -1.14E-02         -1.14E-02        |
|       Weighted Average y            |    -2.23E-03         -2.22E-03        |
|       Weighted Average z            |    -1.21E-15         -1.27E-15        |
| Participant solution status         |                                       |
|   MAPDL Transient                   |             Converged                 |
|   Fluid Flow (Fluent)               |         Not yet converged             |
|                           COUPLING ITERATION = 3                            |
| MAPDL Transient                     |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     Force                           |         Not yet converged             |
|       RMS Change                    |     3.02E-02          1.81E-02        |
|       Sum x                         |     2.65E-02          2.65E-02        |
|       Sum y                         |     2.57E-02          2.57E-02        |
|       Sum z                         |    -3.63E-14         -3.63E-14        |
| Fluid Flow (Fluent)                 |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     displacement                    |             Converged                 |
|       RMS Change                    |     5.04E-05          5.64E-05        |
|       Weighted Average x            |    -1.14E-02         -1.14E-02        |
|       Weighted Average y            |    -2.23E-03         -2.22E-03        |
|       Weighted Average z            |    -1.36E-15         -1.41E-15        |
| Participant solution status         |                                       |
|   MAPDL Transient                   |             Converged                 |
|   Fluid Flow (Fluent)               |             Converged                 |
|                           COUPLING ITERATION = 4                            |
| MAPDL Transient                     |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     Force                           |             Converged                 |
|       RMS Change                    |     2.06E-03          1.25E-03        |
|       Sum x                         |     2.65E-02          2.65E-02        |
|       Sum y                         |     2.57E-02          2.57E-02        |
|       Sum z                         |    -3.63E-14         -3.63E-14        |
| Fluid Flow (Fluent)                 |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     displacement                    |             Converged                 |
|       RMS Change                    |     4.09E-06          4.51E-06        |
|       Weighted Average x            |    -1.14E-02         -1.14E-02        |
|       Weighted Average y            |    -2.23E-03         -2.22E-03        |
|       Weighted Average z            |    -9.46E-16         -9.98E-16        |
| Participant solution status         |                                       |
|   MAPDL Transient                   |             Converged                 |
|   Fluid Flow (Fluent)               |             Converged                 |

| COUPLING STEP = 9                         SIMULATION TIME = 9.00000E-01 [s] |

|                             COUPLING ITERATIONS                             |
|                                     |      Source            Target         |
|                           COUPLING ITERATION = 1                            |
| MAPDL Transient                     |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     Force                           |             Converged                 |
|       RMS Change                    |     8.47E-05          5.13E-05        |
|       Sum x                         |     2.65E-02          2.65E-02        |
|       Sum y                         |     2.57E-02          2.57E-02        |
|       Sum z                         |    -3.62E-14         -3.62E-14        |
| Fluid Flow (Fluent)                 |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     displacement                    |         Not yet converged             |
|       RMS Change                    |     7.80E-01          7.99E-01        |
|       Weighted Average x            |    -8.48E-03         -8.51E-03        |
|       Weighted Average y            |    -1.73E-03         -1.73E-03        |
|       Weighted Average z            |     1.45E-15          1.49E-15        |
| Participant solution status         |                                       |
|   MAPDL Transient                   |             Converged                 |
|   Fluid Flow (Fluent)               |         Not yet converged             |
|                           COUPLING ITERATION = 2                            |
| MAPDL Transient                     |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     Force                           |         Not yet converged             |
|       RMS Change                    |     1.18E+00          7.97E-01        |
|       Sum x                         |    -8.45E-02         -8.45E-02        |
|       Sum y                         |    -4.74E-03         -4.74E-03        |
|       Sum z                         |    -4.78E-14         -4.78E-14        |
| Fluid Flow (Fluent)                 |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     displacement                    |             Converged                 |
|       RMS Change                    |     2.21E-03          2.36E-03        |
|       Weighted Average x            |    -8.47E-03         -8.49E-03        |
|       Weighted Average y            |    -1.73E-03         -1.73E-03        |
|       Weighted Average z            |     1.30E-15          1.32E-15        |
| Participant solution status         |                                       |
|   MAPDL Transient                   |             Converged                 |
|   Fluid Flow (Fluent)               |         Not yet converged             |
|                           COUPLING ITERATION = 3                            |
| MAPDL Transient                     |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     Force                           |         Not yet converged             |
|       RMS Change                    |     3.81E-02          2.60E-02        |
|       Sum x                         |    -8.78E-02         -8.78E-02        |
|       Sum y                         |    -5.62E-03         -5.62E-03        |
|       Sum z                         |    -4.62E-14         -4.62E-14        |
| Fluid Flow (Fluent)                 |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     displacement                    |             Converged                 |
|       RMS Change                    |     7.84E-05          8.58E-05        |
|       Weighted Average x            |    -8.47E-03         -8.50E-03        |
|       Weighted Average y            |    -1.73E-03         -1.73E-03        |
|       Weighted Average z            |     1.32E-15          1.35E-15        |
| Participant solution status         |                                       |
|   MAPDL Transient                   |             Converged                 |
|   Fluid Flow (Fluent)               |             Converged                 |
|                           COUPLING ITERATION = 4                            |
| MAPDL Transient                     |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     Force                           |             Converged                 |
|       RMS Change                    |     2.23E-03          1.53E-03        |
|       Sum x                         |    -8.79E-02         -8.79E-02        |
|       Sum y                         |    -5.64E-03         -5.64E-03        |
|       Sum z                         |    -4.62E-14         -4.62E-14        |
| Fluid Flow (Fluent)                 |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     displacement                    |             Converged                 |
|       RMS Change                    |     2.99E-06          3.41E-06        |
|       Weighted Average x            |    -8.47E-03         -8.50E-03        |
|       Weighted Average y            |    -1.73E-03         -1.73E-03        |
|       Weighted Average z            |     1.29E-15          1.32E-15        |
| Participant solution status         |                                       |
|   MAPDL Transient                   |             Converged                 |
|   Fluid Flow (Fluent)               |             Converged                 |

| COUPLING STEP = 10                        SIMULATION TIME = 1.00000E+00 [s] |

|                             COUPLING ITERATIONS                             |
|                                     |      Source            Target         |
|                           COUPLING ITERATION = 1                            |
| MAPDL Transient                     |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     Force                           |             Converged                 |
|       RMS Change                    |     7.49E-05          5.10E-05        |
|       Sum x                         |    -8.79E-02         -8.79E-02        |
|       Sum y                         |    -5.65E-03         -5.65E-03        |
|       Sum z                         |    -4.63E-14         -4.63E-14        |
| Fluid Flow (Fluent)                 |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     displacement                    |         Not yet converged             |
|       RMS Change                    |     8.10E-01          8.26E-01        |
|       Weighted Average x            |    -4.95E-03         -4.98E-03        |
|       Weighted Average y            |    -1.07E-03         -1.08E-03        |
|       Weighted Average z            |     2.57E-15          2.64E-15        |
| Participant solution status         |                                       |
|   MAPDL Transient                   |             Converged                 |
|   Fluid Flow (Fluent)               |         Not yet converged             |
|                           COUPLING ITERATION = 2                            |
| MAPDL Transient                     |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     Force                           |         Not yet converged             |
|       RMS Change                    |     5.50E-01          4.09E-01        |
|       Sum x                         |    -2.18E-01         -2.18E-01        |
|       Sum y                         |    -4.10E-02         -4.10E-02        |
|       Sum z                         |    -4.31E-14         -4.31E-14        |
| Fluid Flow (Fluent)                 |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     displacement                    |             Converged                 |
|       RMS Change                    |     3.86E-03          4.33E-03        |
|       Weighted Average x            |    -4.94E-03         -4.97E-03        |
|       Weighted Average y            |    -1.07E-03         -1.07E-03        |
|       Weighted Average z            |     2.40E-15          2.47E-15        |
| Participant solution status         |                                       |
|   MAPDL Transient                   |             Converged                 |
|   Fluid Flow (Fluent)               |         Not yet converged             |
|                           COUPLING ITERATION = 3                            |
| MAPDL Transient                     |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     Force                           |         Not yet converged             |
|       RMS Change                    |     1.47E-02          1.08E-02        |
|       Sum x                         |    -2.21E-01         -2.21E-01        |
|       Sum y                         |    -4.19E-02         -4.19E-02        |
|       Sum z                         |    -4.36E-14         -4.36E-14        |
| Fluid Flow (Fluent)                 |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     displacement                    |             Converged                 |
|       RMS Change                    |     1.64E-04          1.87E-04        |
|       Weighted Average x            |    -4.94E-03         -4.97E-03        |
|       Weighted Average y            |    -1.07E-03         -1.07E-03        |
|       Weighted Average z            |     2.43E-15          2.50E-15        |
| Participant solution status         |                                       |
|   MAPDL Transient                   |             Converged                 |
|   Fluid Flow (Fluent)               |             Converged                 |
|                           COUPLING ITERATION = 4                            |
| MAPDL Transient                     |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     Force                           |             Converged                 |
|       RMS Change                    |     5.17E-04          3.80E-04        |
|       Sum x                         |    -2.21E-01         -2.21E-01        |
|       Sum y                         |    -4.19E-02         -4.19E-02        |
|       Sum z                         |    -4.33E-14         -4.33E-14        |
| Fluid Flow (Fluent)                 |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     displacement                    |             Converged                 |
|       RMS Change                    |     9.40E-06          1.08E-05        |
|       Weighted Average x            |    -4.94E-03         -4.97E-03        |
|       Weighted Average y            |    -1.07E-03         -1.07E-03        |
|       Weighted Average z            |     2.47E-15          2.54E-15        |
| Participant solution status         |                                       |
|   MAPDL Transient                   |             Converged                 |
|   Fluid Flow (Fluent)               |             Converged                 |

|                                                                             |
|                                  Shut Down                                  |
|                                                                             |

|                          Available Restart Points                           |
| Restart Point                        | File Name                            |
| Coupling Step 2                      | Restart_step2.h5                     |
| Coupling Step 4                      | Restart_step4.h5                     |
| Coupling Step 6                      | Restart_step6.h5                     |
| Coupling Step 8                      | Restart_step8.h5                     |
| Coupling Step 10                     | Restart_step10.h5                    |

|                             Timing Summary [s]                              |
| Total Time :                                                    6.50116E+01 |
| Coupling Participant Time                                                   |
|    Fluid Flow (Fluent) :                                        3.10938E+01 |
|    MAPDL Transient :                                            5.31771E+00 |
|    Total :                                                      3.64115E+01 |
| Coupling Engine Time                                                        |
|    Solution Control :                                           3.92024E+00 |
|    Mesh Import :                                                2.49432E-02 |
|    Mapping Setup :                                              6.40030E-03 |
|    Mapping :                                                    4.45960E-03 |
|    Numerics :                                                   8.39040E-03 |
|    Misc. :                                                      2.46357E+01 |
|    Total :                                                      2.86001E+01 |

|                 System coupling run completed successfully.                 |

Extend analysis end time#

Extend the analysis end time for a restarted run. Access the case attribute for file handling and persistence. Use this attribute to completely clear the current case and reload from the case saved during the solve.

case = syc.case
Reading settings

Opened analysis at the end of coupling step  10.

Extend analysis#

View the solution_control object, change the end-time setting, and verify the setting change. This code extends the analysis to 1.5 seconds.

setup.solution_control.end_time = "1.5 [s]"
duration_option : EndTime
end_time : 1.0 [s]
time_step_size : 0.1 [s]
minimum_iterations : 1
maximum_iterations : 5
use_ip_address_when_possible : True

duration_option : EndTime
end_time : 1.5 [s]
time_step_size : 0.1 [s]
minimum_iterations : 1
maximum_iterations : 5
use_ip_address_when_possible : True

Change additional settings#

Examine "Force" data transfer.

force_transfer = setup.coupling_interface[interface_name].data_transfer[
display_name : Force
suppress : False
target_side : One
option : UsingVariable
source_variable : force
target_variable : FORC
ramping_option : None
relaxation_factor : 1.0
convergence_target : 0.01
mapping_type : Conservative

Change a setting in the "Force" data transfer and increase the minimum iterations value in the solutions_control object from its default value of 1 to 2.

force_transfer.convergence_target = 0.001

setup.solution_control.minimum_iterations = 2

Review setup#

To review the setup again, use the get_setup_summary class to return a string showing a summary.

|                          Coupling Participants (2)                          |
|    Fluid Flow (Fluent)                                                      |
|       Internal Name :                                              FLUENT-2 |
|       Participant Type :                                             FLUENT |
|       Participant Display Name :                        Fluid Flow (Fluent) |
|       Dimension :                                                        3D |
|       Input Parameters :                                                 [] |
|       Output Parameters :                                                [] |
|       Participant Analysis Type :                                 Transient |
|       Use New APIs :                                                   True |
|       Restarts Supported :                                             True |
|       Variables (2)                                                         |
|          Variable : displacement                                            |
|             Internal Name :                                    displacement |
|             Quantity Type :                        Incremental Displacement |
|             Participant Display Name :                         displacement |
|             Data Type :                                                Real |
|             Tensor Type :                                            Vector |
|             Is Extensive :                                            False |
|                                                                             |
|          Variable : force                                                   |
|             Internal Name :                                           force |
|             Quantity Type :                                           Force |
|             Participant Display Name :                                force |
|             Data Type :                                                Real |
|             Tensor Type :                                            Vector |
|             Is Extensive :                                             True |
|       Regions (6)                                                           |
|          Region : part-fluid                                                |
|             Internal Name :                                      part-fluid |
|             Topology :                                               Volume |
|             Input Variables :                                            [] |
|             Output Variables :                                           [] |
|             Region Discretization Type :                        Mesh Region |
|                                                                             |
|          Region : wall_bottom                                               |
|             Internal Name :                                     wall_bottom |
|             Topology :                                              Surface |
|             Input Variables :                                            [] |
|             Output Variables :                                      [force] |
|             Region Discretization Type :                        Mesh Region |
|                                                                             |
|          Region : wall_deforming                                            |
|             Internal Name :                                  wall_deforming |
|             Topology :                                              Surface |
|             Input Variables :                                [displacement] |
|             Output Variables :                                      [force] |
|             Region Discretization Type :                        Mesh Region |
|                                                                             |
|          Region : wall_inlet                                                |
|             Internal Name :                                      wall_inlet |
|             Topology :                                              Surface |
|             Input Variables :                                            [] |
|             Output Variables :                                      [force] |
|             Region Discretization Type :                        Mesh Region |
|                                                                             |
|          Region : wall_outlet                                               |
|             Internal Name :                                     wall_outlet |
|             Topology :                                              Surface |
|             Input Variables :                                            [] |
|             Output Variables :                                      [force] |
|             Region Discretization Type :                        Mesh Region |
|                                                                             |
|          Region : wall_top                                                  |
|             Internal Name :                                        wall_top |
|             Topology :                                              Surface |
|             Input Variables :                                            [] |
|             Output Variables :                                      [force] |
|             Region Discretization Type :                        Mesh Region |
|       Properties                                                            |
|          Accepts New Inputs :                                         False |
|          Time Integration :                                        Implicit |
|       Update Control                                                        |
|          Option :                                         ProgramControlled |
|       Execution Control                                                     |
|          Option :                                         ProgramControlled |
|          Working Directory :                                         Fluent |
|          Additional Arguments :                                        None |
|          Parallel Fraction :                                       1.00e+00 |
|          Fluent Input                                                       |
|             Option :                                        InitialCaseFile |
|             Case File :                                               plate |
|    MAPDL Transient                                                          |
|       Internal Name :                                               MAPDL-1 |
|       Participant Type :                                              MAPDL |
|       Participant Display Name :                            MAPDL Transient |
|       Dimension :                                                        3D |
|       Input Parameters :                                                 [] |
|       Output Parameters :                                                [] |
|       Participant Analysis Type :                                 Transient |
|       Restarts Supported :                                             True |
|       Variables (2)                                                         |
|          Variable : Force                                                   |
|             Internal Name :                                            FORC |
|             Quantity Type :                                           Force |
|             Location :                                                 Node |
|             Participant Display Name :                                Force |
|             Data Type :                                                Real |
|             Tensor Type :                                            Vector |
|             Is Extensive :                                             True |
|                                                                             |
|          Variable : Incremental_Displacement                                |
|             Internal Name :                                            INCD |
|             Quantity Type :                        Incremental Displacement |
|             Location :                                                 Node |
|             Participant Display Name :             Incremental Displacement |
|             Data Type :                                                Real |
|             Tensor Type :                                            Vector |
|             Is Extensive :                                            False |
|       Regions (1)                                                           |
|          Region : FSIN_1_Fluid Solid Interface                              |
|             Internal Name :                                          FSIN_1 |
|             Topology :                                              Surface |
|             Input Variables :                                        [FORC] |
|             Output Variables :                                       [INCD] |
|             Region Discretization Type :                        Mesh Region |
|       Properties                                                            |
|          Accepts New Inputs :                                         False |
|          Time Integration :                                        Implicit |
|       Update Control                                                        |
|          Option :                                         ProgramControlled |
|       Execution Control                                                     |
|          Option :                                         ProgramControlled |
|          Working Directory :                                          MAPDL |
|          Additional Arguments :                                        None |
|          Parallel Fraction :                                       1.00e+00 |
|          Initial Input :                                          mapdl.dat |
|          Additional Restart Input File :                               None |
|                              Analysis Control                               |
|    Analysis Type :                                                Transient |
|    Optimize If One Way :                                               True |
|    Allow Simultaneous Update :                                        False |
|    Partitioning Algorithm :                          SharedAllocateMachines |
|    Global Stabilization                                                     |
|       Option :                                                         None |
|                           Coupling Interfaces (1)                           |
|    Interface-1                                                              |
|       Internal Name :                                           Interface-1 |
|       Side                                                                  |
|          Side: One                                                          |
|             Coupling Participant :                                  MAPDL-1 |
|             Region List :                                          [FSIN_1] |
|             Reference Frame :                          GlobalReferenceFrame |
|             Instancing :                                               None |
|          Side: Two                                                          |
|             Coupling Participant :                                 FLUENT-2 |
|             Region List :                                  [wall_deforming] |
|             Reference Frame :                          GlobalReferenceFrame |
|             Instancing :                                               None |
|       Data Transfers (2)                                                    |
|          DataTransfer : Force                                               |
|             Internal Name :                                            FORC |
|             Suppress :                                                False |
|             Target Side :                                               One |
|             Option :                                          UsingVariable |
|             Source Variable :                                         force |
|             Target Variable :                                          FORC |
|             Ramping Option :                                           None |
|             Relaxation Factor :                                    1.00e+00 |
|             Convergence Target :                                   1.00e-03 |
|             Mapping Type :                                     Conservative |
|          DataTransfer : displacement                                        |
|             Internal Name :                                    displacement |
|             Suppress :                                                False |
|             Target Side :                                               Two |
|             Option :                                          UsingVariable |
|             Source Variable :                                          INCD |
|             Target Variable :                                  displacement |
|             Ramping Option :                                           None |
|             Relaxation Factor :                                    1.00e+00 |
|             Convergence Target :                                   1.00e-02 |
|             Mapping Type :                                ProfilePreserving |
|             Unmapped Value Option :                       ProgramControlled |
|       Mapping Control                                                       |
|          Stop If Poor Intersection :                                   True |
|          Poor Intersection Threshold :                             5.00e-01 |
|          Face Alignment :                                 ProgramControlled |
|          Absolute Gap Tolerance :                                   0.0 [m] |
|          Relative Gap Tolerance :                                  1.00e+00 |
|                              Solution Control                               |
|    Duration Option :                                                EndTime |
|    End Time :                                                       1.5 [s] |
|    Time Step Size :                                                 0.1 [s] |
|    Minimum Iterations :                                                   2 |
|    Maximum Iterations :                                                   5 |
|    Use IP Address When Possible :                                      True |
|                               Output Control                                |
|    Option :                                                    StepInterval |
|    Generate CSV Chart Output :                                        False |
|    Write Initial Snapshot :                                            True |
|    Output Frequency :                                                     2 |
|    Results                                                                  |
|       Option :                                            ProgramControlled |
|       Include Instances :                                 ProgramControlled |
|       Type                                                                  |
|          Option :                                               EnsightGold |

Restart solution#

To restart the solution, access the solve command via the solution API.

|                          Coupling Participants (2)                          |
|    Fluid Flow (Fluent)                                                      |
|       Internal Name :                                              FLUENT-2 |
|       Participant Type :                                             FLUENT |
|       Participant Display Name :                        Fluid Flow (Fluent) |
|       Dimension :                                                        3D |
|       Input Parameters :                                                 [] |
|       Output Parameters :                                                [] |
|       Participant Analysis Type :                                 Transient |
|       Use New APIs :                                                   True |
|       Restarts Supported :                                             True |
|       Variables (2)                                                         |
|          Variable : displacement                                            |
|             Internal Name :                                    displacement |
|             Quantity Type :                        Incremental Displacement |
|             Participant Display Name :                         displacement |
|             Data Type :                                                Real |
|             Tensor Type :                                            Vector |
|             Is Extensive :                                            False |
|                                                                             |
|          Variable : force                                                   |
|             Internal Name :                                           force |
|             Quantity Type :                                           Force |
|             Participant Display Name :                                force |
|             Data Type :                                                Real |
|             Tensor Type :                                            Vector |
|             Is Extensive :                                             True |
|       Regions (6)                                                           |
|          Region : part-fluid                                                |
|             Internal Name :                                      part-fluid |
|             Topology :                                               Volume |
|             Input Variables :                                            [] |
|             Output Variables :                                           [] |
|             Region Discretization Type :                        Mesh Region |
|                                                                             |
|          Region : wall_bottom                                               |
|             Internal Name :                                     wall_bottom |
|             Topology :                                              Surface |
|             Input Variables :                                            [] |
|             Output Variables :                                      [force] |
|             Region Discretization Type :                        Mesh Region |
|                                                                             |
|          Region : wall_deforming                                            |
|             Internal Name :                                  wall_deforming |
|             Topology :                                              Surface |
|             Input Variables :                                [displacement] |
|             Output Variables :                                      [force] |
|             Region Discretization Type :                        Mesh Region |
|                                                                             |
|          Region : wall_inlet                                                |
|             Internal Name :                                      wall_inlet |
|             Topology :                                              Surface |
|             Input Variables :                                            [] |
|             Output Variables :                                      [force] |
|             Region Discretization Type :                        Mesh Region |
|                                                                             |
|          Region : wall_outlet                                               |
|             Internal Name :                                     wall_outlet |
|             Topology :                                              Surface |
|             Input Variables :                                            [] |
|             Output Variables :                                      [force] |
|             Region Discretization Type :                        Mesh Region |
|                                                                             |
|          Region : wall_top                                                  |
|             Internal Name :                                        wall_top |
|             Topology :                                              Surface |
|             Input Variables :                                            [] |
|             Output Variables :                                      [force] |
|             Region Discretization Type :                        Mesh Region |
|       Properties                                                            |
|          Accepts New Inputs :                                         False |
|          Time Integration :                                        Implicit |
|       Update Control                                                        |
|          Option :                                         ProgramControlled |
|       Execution Control                                                     |
|          Option :                                         ProgramControlled |
|          Working Directory :                                         Fluent |
|          Additional Arguments :                                        None |
|          Parallel Fraction :                                       1.00e+00 |
|          Fluent Input                                                       |
|             Option :                                        InitialCaseFile |
|             Case File :                                               plate |
|    MAPDL Transient                                                          |
|       Internal Name :                                               MAPDL-1 |
|       Participant Type :                                              MAPDL |
|       Participant Display Name :                            MAPDL Transient |
|       Dimension :                                                        3D |
|       Input Parameters :                                                 [] |
|       Output Parameters :                                                [] |
|       Participant Analysis Type :                                 Transient |
|       Restarts Supported :                                             True |
|       Variables (2)                                                         |
|          Variable : Force                                                   |
|             Internal Name :                                            FORC |
|             Quantity Type :                                           Force |
|             Location :                                                 Node |
|             Participant Display Name :                                Force |
|             Data Type :                                                Real |
|             Tensor Type :                                            Vector |
|             Is Extensive :                                             True |
|                                                                             |
|          Variable : Incremental_Displacement                                |
|             Internal Name :                                            INCD |
|             Quantity Type :                        Incremental Displacement |
|             Location :                                                 Node |
|             Participant Display Name :             Incremental Displacement |
|             Data Type :                                                Real |
|             Tensor Type :                                            Vector |
|             Is Extensive :                                            False |
|       Regions (1)                                                           |
|          Region : FSIN_1_Fluid Solid Interface                              |
|             Internal Name :                                          FSIN_1 |
|             Topology :                                              Surface |
|             Input Variables :                                        [FORC] |
|             Output Variables :                                       [INCD] |
|             Region Discretization Type :                        Mesh Region |
|       Properties                                                            |
|          Accepts New Inputs :                                         False |
|          Time Integration :                                        Implicit |
|       Update Control                                                        |
|          Option :                                         ProgramControlled |
|       Execution Control                                                     |
|          Option :                                         ProgramControlled |
|          Working Directory :                                          MAPDL |
|          Additional Arguments :                                        None |
|          Parallel Fraction :                                       1.00e+00 |
|          Initial Input :                                          mapdl.dat |
|          Additional Restart Input File :                               None |
|                              Analysis Control                               |
|    Analysis Type :                                                Transient |
|    Optimize If One Way :                                               True |
|    Allow Simultaneous Update :                                        False |
|    Partitioning Algorithm :                          SharedAllocateMachines |
|    Global Stabilization                                                     |
|       Option :                                                         None |
|                           Coupling Interfaces (1)                           |
|    Interface-1                                                              |
|       Internal Name :                                           Interface-1 |
|       Side                                                                  |
|          Side: One                                                          |
|             Coupling Participant :                                  MAPDL-1 |
|             Region List :                                          [FSIN_1] |
|             Reference Frame :                          GlobalReferenceFrame |
|             Instancing :                                               None |
|          Side: Two                                                          |
|             Coupling Participant :                                 FLUENT-2 |
|             Region List :                                  [wall_deforming] |
|             Reference Frame :                          GlobalReferenceFrame |
|             Instancing :                                               None |
|       Data Transfers (2)                                                    |
|          DataTransfer : Force                                               |
|             Internal Name :                                            FORC |
|             Suppress :                                                False |
|             Target Side :                                               One |
|             Option :                                          UsingVariable |
|             Source Variable :                                         force |
|             Target Variable :                                          FORC |
|             Ramping Option :                                           None |
|             Relaxation Factor :                                    1.00e+00 |
|             Convergence Target :                                   1.00e-03 |
|             Mapping Type :                                     Conservative |
|          DataTransfer : displacement                                        |
|             Internal Name :                                    displacement |
|             Suppress :                                                False |
|             Target Side :                                               Two |
|             Option :                                          UsingVariable |
|             Source Variable :                                          INCD |
|             Target Variable :                                  displacement |
|             Ramping Option :                                           None |
|             Relaxation Factor :                                    1.00e+00 |
|             Convergence Target :                                   1.00e-02 |
|             Mapping Type :                                ProfilePreserving |
|             Unmapped Value Option :                       ProgramControlled |
|       Mapping Control                                                       |
|          Stop If Poor Intersection :                                   True |
|          Poor Intersection Threshold :                             5.00e-01 |
|          Face Alignment :                                 ProgramControlled |
|          Absolute Gap Tolerance :                                   0.0 [m] |
|          Relative Gap Tolerance :                                  1.00e+00 |
|                              Solution Control                               |
|    Duration Option :                                                EndTime |
|    End Time :                                                       1.5 [s] |
|    Time Step Size :                                                 0.1 [s] |
|    Minimum Iterations :                                                   2 |
|    Maximum Iterations :                                                   5 |
|    Use IP Address When Possible :                                      True |
|                               Output Control                                |
|    Option :                                                    StepInterval |
|    Generate CSV Chart Output :                                        False |
|    Write Initial Snapshot :                                            True |
|    Output Frequency :                                                     2 |
|    Results                                                                  |
|       Option :                                            ProgramControlled |
|       Include Instances :                                 ProgramControlled |
|       Type                                                                  |
|          Option :                                               EnsightGold |
|                            Execution Information                            |
|                                                                             |
| System Coupling                                                             |
|   Command Line Arguments:                                                   |
|     -m cosimgui --grpcport                                  |
|   Working Directory:                                                        |
|     C:\Users\user00\AppData\Local\Ansys\ansys_systemcoupling_core\examples  |
|                                                                             |
| Fluid Flow (Fluent)                                                         |
|   Execution Command:                                                        |
|     "C:\ANSYSDev\ANSYSI~1\v242\fluent\ntbin\win64\fluent.exe" 3ddp -g -scpo |
|     rt=59524 -schost= -scname="FLUENT-2" -scapis -i FLUENT-2.jo |
|     u                                                                       |
|   Working Directory:                                                        |
|     C:\Users\user00\AppData\Local\Ansys\ansys_systemcoupling_core\examples\ |
|     Fluent                                                                  |
|                                                                             |
| MAPDL Transient                                                             |
|   Execution Command:                                                        |
|     "C:\ANSYSDev\ANSYSI~1\v242\ansys\bin\winx64\ANSYS242.exe" -b nolist -s  |
|     noread -scport 59524 -schost -scname "MAPDL-1" -i "MAPDL-1 |
|     .dat" -o MAPDL-1_SC_002.out                                             |
|   Working Directory:                                                        |
|     C:\Users\user00\AppData\Local\Ansys\ansys_systemcoupling_core\examples\ |
|     MAPDL                                                                   |
|                                                                             |
Awaiting connections from coupling participants... done.

|                              Build Information                              |
| System Coupling                                                             |
|   2024 R2: Build ID: 189107b Build Date: 2024-05-08T16:26                   |
| Fluid Flow (Fluent)                                                         |
|   ANSYS Fluent 24.0 2.0 0.0 Build Time: May 13 2024 11:22:47 EST  Build Id: |
|   10192                                                                     |
| MAPDL Transient                                                             |
|   Mechanical APDL Release 2024 R2          Build 24.2     UP20240603        |
|   DISTRIBUTED WINDOWS x64  Version                                          |

|                                                                             |
|                           Analysis Initialization                           |
|                                                                             |

|                               MESH STATISTICS                               |
| Participant: FLUENT-2                                                       |
|   Number of face regions                                                  1 |
|     Number of faces                                                      11 |
|       Quadrilateral                                                      11 |
|     Area (m2)                                                     8.241e-01 |
|   Bounding Box (m)                                                          |
|     Minimum                              [ 9.771e+00  0.000e+00  0.000e+00] |
|     Maximum                              [ 1.006e+01  9.778e-01  4.000e-01] |
|                                                                             |
| Participant: MAPDL-1                                                        |
|   Number of face regions                                                  1 |
|     Number of faces                                                      84 |
|       Quadrilateral8                                                     84 |
|     Area (m2)                                                     8.240e-01 |
|   Bounding Box (m)                                                          |
|     Minimum                              [ 9.770e+00  0.000e+00 -9.063e-04] |
|     Maximum                              [ 1.006e+01  9.778e-01  4.009e-01] |
|                                                                             |
| Total                                                                       |
|   Number of cells                                                         0 |
|   Number of faces                                                        95 |
|   Number of nodes                                                       327 |

|                               MAPPING SUMMARY                               |
|                                     |      Source            Target         |
| Interface-1                         |                                       |
|   Force                             |                                       |
|     Mapped Area [%]                 |       100               100           |
|     Mapped Elements [%]             |       100               100           |
|     Mapped Nodes [%]                |       100               100           |
|   displacement                      |                                       |
|     Mapped Area [%]                 |       100               100           |
|     Mapped Elements [%]             |       100               100           |
|     Mapped Nodes [%]                |       100               100           |

|                                                                             |
|                              Coupled Solution                               |
|                                                                             |

| COUPLING STEP = 11                        SIMULATION TIME = 1.10000E+00 [s] |

|                             COUPLING ITERATIONS                             |
|                                     |      Source            Target         |
|                           COUPLING ITERATION = 1                            |
| MAPDL Transient                     |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     Force                           |         Not yet converged             |
|       RMS Change                    |     1.00E+00          1.00E+00        |
|       Sum x                         |    -2.21E-01         -2.21E-01        |
|       Sum y                         |    -4.19E-02         -4.18E-02        |
|       Sum z                         |    -4.36E-14         -4.38E-14        |
| Fluid Flow (Fluent)                 |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     displacement                    |         Not yet converged             |
|       RMS Change                    |     1.00E+00          1.00E+00        |
|       Weighted Average x            |    -1.05E-03         -1.04E-03        |
|       Weighted Average y            |    -2.53E-04         -2.50E-04        |
|       Weighted Average z            |     2.12E-15          2.14E-15        |
| Participant solution status         |                                       |
|   MAPDL Transient                   |             Converged                 |
|   Fluid Flow (Fluent)               |         Not yet converged             |
|                           COUPLING ITERATION = 2                            |
| MAPDL Transient                     |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     Force                           |         Not yet converged             |
|       RMS Change                    |     3.39E-01          2.51E-01        |
|       Sum x                         |    -3.40E-01         -3.40E-01        |
|       Sum y                         |    -7.69E-02         -7.68E-02        |
|       Sum z                         |    -6.74E-14         -6.76E-14        |
| Fluid Flow (Fluent)                 |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     displacement                    |             Converged                 |
|       RMS Change                    |     4.38E-03          4.83E-03        |
|       Weighted Average x            |    -1.05E-03         -1.04E-03        |
|       Weighted Average y            |    -2.54E-04         -2.52E-04        |
|       Weighted Average z            |     2.08E-15          2.09E-15        |
| Participant solution status         |                                       |
|   MAPDL Transient                   |             Converged                 |
|   Fluid Flow (Fluent)               |         Not yet converged             |
|                           COUPLING ITERATION = 3                            |
| MAPDL Transient                     |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     Force                           |         Not yet converged             |
|       RMS Change                    |     6.52E-03          4.72E-03        |
|       Sum x                         |    -3.42E-01         -3.42E-01        |
|       Sum y                         |    -7.75E-02         -7.74E-02        |
|       Sum z                         |    -7.10E-14         -7.12E-14        |
| Fluid Flow (Fluent)                 |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     displacement                    |             Converged                 |
|       RMS Change                    |     3.07E-04          3.51E-04        |
|       Weighted Average x            |    -1.05E-03         -1.04E-03        |
|       Weighted Average y            |    -2.54E-04         -2.51E-04        |
|       Weighted Average z            |     2.04E-15          2.06E-15        |
| Participant solution status         |                                       |
|   MAPDL Transient                   |             Converged                 |
|   Fluid Flow (Fluent)               |             Converged                 |
|                           COUPLING ITERATION = 4                            |
| MAPDL Transient                     |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     Force                           |             Converged                 |
|       RMS Change                    |     5.25E-04          3.84E-04        |
|       Sum x                         |    -3.43E-01         -3.42E-01        |
|       Sum y                         |    -7.75E-02         -7.74E-02        |
|       Sum z                         |    -7.16E-14         -7.18E-14        |
| Fluid Flow (Fluent)                 |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     displacement                    |             Converged                 |
|       RMS Change                    |     2.40E-05          2.71E-05        |
|       Weighted Average x            |    -1.05E-03         -1.04E-03        |
|       Weighted Average y            |    -2.54E-04         -2.51E-04        |
|       Weighted Average z            |     2.01E-15          2.03E-15        |
| Participant solution status         |                                       |
|   MAPDL Transient                   |             Converged                 |
|   Fluid Flow (Fluent)               |             Converged                 |

| COUPLING STEP = 12                        SIMULATION TIME = 1.20000E+00 [s] |

|                             COUPLING ITERATIONS                             |
|                                     |      Source            Target         |
|                           COUPLING ITERATION = 1                            |
| MAPDL Transient                     |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     Force                           |             Converged                 |
|       RMS Change                    |     2.37E-05          1.74E-05        |
|       Sum x                         |    -3.43E-01         -3.42E-01        |
|       Sum y                         |    -7.75E-02         -7.74E-02        |
|       Sum z                         |    -7.16E-14         -7.18E-14        |
| Fluid Flow (Fluent)                 |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     displacement                    |         Not yet converged             |
|       RMS Change                    |     8.66E-01          8.75E-01        |
|       Weighted Average x            |     2.88E-03          2.90E-03        |
|       Weighted Average y            |     5.71E-04          5.73E-04        |
|       Weighted Average z            |    -6.15E-16         -6.13E-16        |
| Participant solution status         |                                       |
|   MAPDL Transient                   |             Converged                 |
|   Fluid Flow (Fluent)               |         Not yet converged             |
|                           COUPLING ITERATION = 2                            |
| MAPDL Transient                     |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     Force                           |         Not yet converged             |
|       RMS Change                    |     1.80E-01          1.31E-01        |
|       Sum x                         |    -4.14E-01         -4.14E-01        |
|       Sum y                         |    -9.63E-02         -9.62E-02        |
|       Sum z                         |    -6.60E-14         -6.63E-14        |
| Fluid Flow (Fluent)                 |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     displacement                    |             Converged                 |
|       RMS Change                    |     7.05E-03          7.41E-03        |
|       Weighted Average x            |     2.86E-03          2.89E-03        |
|       Weighted Average y            |     5.71E-04          5.73E-04        |
|       Weighted Average z            |    -5.72E-16         -5.68E-16        |
| Participant solution status         |                                       |
|   MAPDL Transient                   |             Converged                 |
|   Fluid Flow (Fluent)               |         Not yet converged             |
|                           COUPLING ITERATION = 3                            |
| MAPDL Transient                     |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     Force                           |         Not yet converged             |
|       RMS Change                    |     4.76E-03          3.45E-03        |
|       Sum x                         |    -4.12E-01         -4.12E-01        |
|       Sum y                         |    -9.59E-02         -9.58E-02        |
|       Sum z                         |    -6.52E-14         -6.55E-14        |
| Fluid Flow (Fluent)                 |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     displacement                    |             Converged                 |
|       RMS Change                    |     2.38E-04          2.57E-04        |
|       Weighted Average x            |     2.86E-03          2.89E-03        |
|       Weighted Average y            |     5.71E-04          5.73E-04        |
|       Weighted Average z            |    -5.68E-16         -5.69E-16        |
| Participant solution status         |                                       |
|   MAPDL Transient                   |             Converged                 |
|   Fluid Flow (Fluent)               |             Converged                 |
|                           COUPLING ITERATION = 4                            |
| MAPDL Transient                     |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     Force                           |             Converged                 |
|       RMS Change                    |     8.39E-05          5.70E-05        |
|       Sum x                         |    -4.12E-01         -4.12E-01        |
|       Sum y                         |    -9.59E-02         -9.58E-02        |
|       Sum z                         |    -6.47E-14         -6.50E-14        |
| Fluid Flow (Fluent)                 |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     displacement                    |             Converged                 |
|       RMS Change                    |     8.15E-06          8.74E-06        |
|       Weighted Average x            |     2.86E-03          2.89E-03        |
|       Weighted Average y            |     5.71E-04          5.73E-04        |
|       Weighted Average z            |    -5.54E-16         -5.52E-16        |
| Participant solution status         |                                       |
|   MAPDL Transient                   |             Converged                 |
|   Fluid Flow (Fluent)               |             Converged                 |

| COUPLING STEP = 13                        SIMULATION TIME = 1.30000E+00 [s] |

|                             COUPLING ITERATIONS                             |
|                                     |      Source            Target         |
|                           COUPLING ITERATION = 1                            |
| MAPDL Transient                     |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     Force                           |             Converged                 |
|       RMS Change                    |     1.11E-05          8.09E-06        |
|       Sum x                         |    -4.12E-01         -4.12E-01        |
|       Sum y                         |    -9.59E-02         -9.58E-02        |
|       Sum z                         |    -6.52E-14         -6.55E-14        |
| Fluid Flow (Fluent)                 |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     displacement                    |         Not yet converged             |
|       RMS Change                    |     7.73E-01          7.93E-01        |
|       Weighted Average x            |     6.34E-03          6.36E-03        |
|       Weighted Average y            |     1.35E-03          1.34E-03        |
|       Weighted Average z            |    -2.37E-15         -2.41E-15        |
| Participant solution status         |                                       |
|   MAPDL Transient                   |             Converged                 |
|   Fluid Flow (Fluent)               |         Not yet converged             |
|                           COUPLING ITERATION = 2                            |
| MAPDL Transient                     |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     Force                           |         Not yet converged             |
|       RMS Change                    |     1.19E-01          8.14E-02        |
|       Sum x                         |    -4.27E-01         -4.27E-01        |
|       Sum y                         |    -9.73E-02         -9.72E-02        |
|       Sum z                         |    -3.83E-14         -3.86E-14        |
| Fluid Flow (Fluent)                 |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     displacement                    |             Converged                 |
|       RMS Change                    |     2.12E-03          2.10E-03        |
|       Weighted Average x            |     6.33E-03          6.34E-03        |
|       Weighted Average y            |     1.35E-03          1.34E-03        |
|       Weighted Average z            |    -2.23E-15         -2.26E-15        |
| Participant solution status         |                                       |
|   MAPDL Transient                   |             Converged                 |
|   Fluid Flow (Fluent)               |         Not yet converged             |
|                           COUPLING ITERATION = 3                            |
| MAPDL Transient                     |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     Force                           |         Not yet converged             |
|       RMS Change                    |     5.96E-03          4.19E-03        |
|       Sum x                         |    -4.25E-01         -4.24E-01        |
|       Sum y                         |    -9.67E-02         -9.66E-02        |
|       Sum z                         |    -3.66E-14         -3.69E-14        |
| Fluid Flow (Fluent)                 |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     displacement                    |             Converged                 |
|       RMS Change                    |     7.33E-05          7.38E-05        |
|       Weighted Average x            |     6.33E-03          6.34E-03        |
|       Weighted Average y            |     1.35E-03          1.34E-03        |
|       Weighted Average z            |    -2.29E-15         -2.34E-15        |
| Participant solution status         |                                       |
|   MAPDL Transient                   |             Converged                 |
|   Fluid Flow (Fluent)               |             Converged                 |
|                           COUPLING ITERATION = 4                            |
| MAPDL Transient                     |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     Force                           |             Converged                 |
|       RMS Change                    |     2.27E-04          1.57E-04        |
|       Sum x                         |    -4.25E-01         -4.24E-01        |
|       Sum y                         |    -9.67E-02         -9.66E-02        |
|       Sum z                         |    -3.68E-14         -3.71E-14        |
| Fluid Flow (Fluent)                 |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     displacement                    |             Converged                 |
|       RMS Change                    |     3.77E-06          3.94E-06        |
|       Weighted Average x            |     6.33E-03          6.34E-03        |
|       Weighted Average y            |     1.35E-03          1.34E-03        |
|       Weighted Average z            |    -2.25E-15         -2.29E-15        |
| Participant solution status         |                                       |
|   MAPDL Transient                   |             Converged                 |
|   Fluid Flow (Fluent)               |             Converged                 |

| COUPLING STEP = 14                        SIMULATION TIME = 1.40000E+00 [s] |

|                             COUPLING ITERATIONS                             |
|                                     |      Source            Target         |
|                           COUPLING ITERATION = 1                            |
| MAPDL Transient                     |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     Force                           |             Converged                 |
|       RMS Change                    |     1.56E-05          1.10E-05        |
|       Sum x                         |    -4.25E-01         -4.24E-01        |
|       Sum y                         |    -9.67E-02         -9.66E-02        |
|       Sum z                         |    -3.68E-14         -3.70E-14        |
| Fluid Flow (Fluent)                 |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     displacement                    |         Not yet converged             |
|       RMS Change                    |     7.44E-01          7.71E-01        |
|       Weighted Average x            |     9.27E-03          9.27E-03        |
|       Weighted Average y            |     2.02E-03          2.01E-03        |
|       Weighted Average z            |    -1.23E-15         -1.27E-15        |
| Participant solution status         |                                       |
|   MAPDL Transient                   |             Converged                 |
|   Fluid Flow (Fluent)               |         Not yet converged             |
|                           COUPLING ITERATION = 2                            |
| MAPDL Transient                     |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     Force                           |         Not yet converged             |
|       RMS Change                    |     1.08E-01          7.24E-02        |
|       Sum x                         |    -4.22E-01         -4.21E-01        |
|       Sum y                         |    -8.92E-02         -8.92E-02        |
|       Sum z                         |    -7.22E-15         -7.42E-15        |
| Fluid Flow (Fluent)                 |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     displacement                    |             Converged                 |
|       RMS Change                    |     1.12E-03          1.19E-03        |
|       Weighted Average x            |     9.27E-03          9.26E-03        |
|       Weighted Average y            |     2.02E-03          2.00E-03        |
|       Weighted Average z            |    -1.16E-15         -1.21E-15        |
| Participant solution status         |                                       |
|   MAPDL Transient                   |             Converged                 |
|   Fluid Flow (Fluent)               |         Not yet converged             |
|                           COUPLING ITERATION = 3                            |
| MAPDL Transient                     |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     Force                           |         Not yet converged             |
|       RMS Change                    |     3.13E-03          2.15E-03        |
|       Sum x                         |    -4.20E-01         -4.20E-01        |
|       Sum y                         |    -8.88E-02         -8.88E-02        |
|       Sum z                         |    -3.39E-15         -3.60E-15        |
| Fluid Flow (Fluent)                 |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     displacement                    |             Converged                 |
|       RMS Change                    |     2.74E-05          2.82E-05        |
|       Weighted Average x            |     9.27E-03          9.26E-03        |
|       Weighted Average y            |     2.02E-03          2.00E-03        |
|       Weighted Average z            |    -9.47E-16         -9.75E-16        |
| Participant solution status         |                                       |
|   MAPDL Transient                   |             Converged                 |
|   Fluid Flow (Fluent)               |             Converged                 |
|                           COUPLING ITERATION = 4                            |
| MAPDL Transient                     |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     Force                           |             Converged                 |
|       RMS Change                    |     2.24E-04          1.55E-04        |
|       Sum x                         |    -4.20E-01         -4.20E-01        |
|       Sum y                         |    -8.88E-02         -8.88E-02        |
|       Sum z                         |    -3.42E-15         -3.62E-15        |
| Fluid Flow (Fluent)                 |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     displacement                    |             Converged                 |
|       RMS Change                    |     2.19E-06          2.31E-06        |
|       Weighted Average x            |     9.27E-03          9.26E-03        |
|       Weighted Average y            |     2.02E-03          2.00E-03        |
|       Weighted Average z            |    -1.17E-15         -1.20E-15        |
| Participant solution status         |                                       |
|   MAPDL Transient                   |             Converged                 |
|   Fluid Flow (Fluent)               |             Converged                 |

| COUPLING STEP = 15                        SIMULATION TIME = 1.50000E+00 [s] |

|                             COUPLING ITERATIONS                             |
|                                     |      Source            Target         |
|                           COUPLING ITERATION = 1                            |
| MAPDL Transient                     |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     Force                           |             Converged                 |
|       RMS Change                    |     1.21E-05          8.39E-06        |
|       Sum x                         |    -4.20E-01         -4.20E-01        |
|       Sum y                         |    -8.88E-02         -8.88E-02        |
|       Sum z                         |    -4.08E-15         -4.29E-15        |
| Fluid Flow (Fluent)                 |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     displacement                    |         Not yet converged             |
|       RMS Change                    |     7.33E-01          7.62E-01        |
|       Weighted Average x            |     1.20E-02          1.20E-02        |
|       Weighted Average y            |     2.31E-03          2.29E-03        |
|       Weighted Average z            |     7.85E-16          7.80E-16        |
| Participant solution status         |                                       |
|   MAPDL Transient                   |             Converged                 |
|   Fluid Flow (Fluent)               |         Not yet converged             |
|                           COUPLING ITERATION = 2                            |
| MAPDL Transient                     |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     Force                           |         Not yet converged             |
|       RMS Change                    |     7.10E-02          4.80E-02        |
|       Sum x                         |    -4.42E-01         -4.41E-01        |
|       Sum y                         |    -7.62E-02         -7.62E-02        |
|       Sum z                         |     1.77E-14          1.76E-14        |
| Fluid Flow (Fluent)                 |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     displacement                    |             Converged                 |
|       RMS Change                    |     1.63E-03          1.80E-03        |
|       Weighted Average x            |     1.20E-02          1.20E-02        |
|       Weighted Average y            |     2.31E-03          2.29E-03        |
|       Weighted Average z            |     9.78E-16          9.92E-16        |
| Participant solution status         |                                       |
|   MAPDL Transient                   |             Converged                 |
|   Fluid Flow (Fluent)               |         Not yet converged             |
|                           COUPLING ITERATION = 3                            |
| MAPDL Transient                     |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     Force                           |         Not yet converged             |
|       RMS Change                    |     2.42E-03          1.60E-03        |
|       Sum x                         |    -4.41E-01         -4.41E-01        |
|       Sum y                         |    -7.60E-02         -7.60E-02        |
|       Sum z                         |     2.31E-14          2.29E-14        |
| Fluid Flow (Fluent)                 |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     displacement                    |             Converged                 |
|       RMS Change                    |     3.93E-05          4.20E-05        |
|       Weighted Average x            |     1.20E-02          1.20E-02        |
|       Weighted Average y            |     2.31E-03          2.29E-03        |
|       Weighted Average z            |     9.98E-16          9.97E-16        |
| Participant solution status         |                                       |
|   MAPDL Transient                   |             Converged                 |
|   Fluid Flow (Fluent)               |             Converged                 |
|                           COUPLING ITERATION = 4                            |
| MAPDL Transient                     |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     Force                           |             Converged                 |
|       RMS Change                    |     1.90E-04          1.31E-04        |
|       Sum x                         |    -4.41E-01         -4.41E-01        |
|       Sum y                         |    -7.60E-02         -7.60E-02        |
|       Sum z                         |     2.31E-14          2.29E-14        |
| Fluid Flow (Fluent)                 |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     displacement                    |             Converged                 |
|       RMS Change                    |     1.46E-06          1.49E-06        |
|       Weighted Average x            |     1.20E-02          1.20E-02        |
|       Weighted Average y            |     2.31E-03          2.29E-03        |
|       Weighted Average z            |     9.33E-16          9.35E-16        |
| Participant solution status         |                                       |
|   MAPDL Transient                   |             Converged                 |
|   Fluid Flow (Fluent)               |             Converged                 |

|                                                                             |
|                                  Shut Down                                  |
|                                                                             |

|                          Available Restart Points                           |
| Restart Point                        | File Name                            |
| Coupling Step 2                      | Restart_step2.h5                     |
| Coupling Step 4                      | Restart_step4.h5                     |
| Coupling Step 6                      | Restart_step6.h5                     |
| Coupling Step 8                      | Restart_step8.h5                     |
| Coupling Step 10                     | Restart_step10.h5                    |
| Coupling Step 12                     | Restart_step12.h5                    |
| Coupling Step 14                     | Restart_step14.h5                    |
| Coupling Step 15                     | Restart_step15.h5                    |

|                             Timing Summary [s]                              |
| Total Time :                                                    4.09945E+01 |
| Coupling Participant Time                                                   |
|    Fluid Flow (Fluent) :                                        2.04843E+01 |
|    MAPDL Transient :                                            3.06264E+00 |
|    Total :                                                      2.35469E+01 |
| Coupling Engine Time                                                        |
|    Solution Control :                                           2.25423E+00 |
|    Mesh Import :                                                2.62472E-02 |
|    Mapping Setup :                                              2.52580E-03 |
|    Mapping :                                                    1.72980E-03 |
|    Numerics :                                                   5.55290E-03 |
|    Misc. :                                                      1.51573E+01 |
|    Total :                                                      1.74476E+01 |

|                 System coupling run completed successfully.                 |

Stop streaming output and shut down the server instance#

Stop streaming output from the server and shut down the server instance.



This syc object is now defunct. Any attempt to use it to perform a further action yields an error. To do more in the current Python session, you must create a new syc instance using syc = pysystemcoupling.launch().

Total running time of the script: (2 minutes 21.946 seconds)

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