
ansys.systemcoupling.core.launch(*, port=None, working_dir=None, nprocs=None, sycnprocs=None, version=None, start_output=False, extra_args=[])#

Start a local instance of System Coupling and connect to it.

portint, optional

Port on which to connect to System Coupling. The default is None, in which case an available port is found and used.

working_dirstr, optional

Path for the working directory of the System Coupling process. The default is None, in which case the current directory of the client process is used.

nprocsint, optional

Number of processes for coupling participants. The default is None, in which case the System Coupling server uses its own default.

sycnprocsint, optional

Number of processes for the System Coupling engine. The default is None, in which case the System Coupling server uses its own default.

versionstr, optional

String specifying the version of System Coupling to use. For example, to use System Coupling from the Ansys “2024 R1” release, specify "241". (The forms "24.1" and "24_1" are also acceptable.) The version will be sought in the standard installation location. The default is None, which is equivalent to specifying "242" (“2024 R2” release), unless either of the environment variables SYSC_ROOT or AWP_ROOT has been set. It is considered to be an error if either these is set and version is provided.

start_output: bool, optional

Boolean to specify if the user wants to stream system coupling output. The default is False, in which case the output stream is kept hidden. If True, the output information is printed to standard output.


List of any additional arguments to specify when the server process is launched. The default is []. If a list of additional arguments is provided, it is concatenated as-is to the list of arguments already being passed when the process is started. If an argument has an associated value, the argument name and its value should be specified as two consecutive items of the list.


Session object, providing access to a set up and solve API controlling a remote System Coupling instance.

Return type:
